Patrick Coston's Home Page

Date Page Description
Apr 14, 2018 Stephen King Stephen King Info
Apr 14, 2018 Movies My Favorite Movies of All Time
Mar 24, 2018 Ben & Jerry Rating Ben & Jerry ice-cream
Jan 27, 2018 Future Movie SciFi Movies about a future year
Jan 21, 2018 Travel Places I want to visit
Aug 26, 2016 About Me About Me
July 20, 2013 Television TV Shows I'm Currently Watching
May 30, 2012 YouTube Favorite YouTube Channels
July 03, 2011 Portal 2 Portal 2 World Records
Mar 06, 2011 Digital Devices Retired my digital devices page
Mar 06, 2011 NetFlix Queue My NetFlix Queue in the past
Feb 21, 2011 The Beatles I rated all Beatles songs and albums from 1 to 10
Feb 13, 2011 Search ASP New program to search all include files in ASP page
Jan 10, 2010 Music Snapshot Music I'm listening to as of January 2010
Mar 01, 2010 Star Trek My ratings of every episode of the original Star Trek
Jan 29, 2009 Pivotal Added pivotal moments in my life since college
Jan 18, 2009 Rich Added Verticopter
Feb 16, 2007 Photos New Photo Album
Feb 16, 2007 Travel New Travel Page
Feb 16, 2007 People Updates to my people page
Date Created June 18, 1995
Last Updated July 14, 2024