One of my hobbies is keeping a list of names of the people that I've known in my lifetime.
Hopefully by
creating this web page, those people will search for their name and find me.
You can e-mail me at
Out of all of the web pages I have created, this one seems to have generated the most interest overall.
This page was discussed on MetaFilter
Other pages like this one
Most recent people who have contacted me because of this web page:
- Albert Lasso asking me to link to his web site Lass Injury
- Greg Young (Cousin of Jeff Baylor) - Searching for Darcy Howe (Jeff Baylor's widow) June 2011
- Mike Huhndorf - Searched for John Epprecht and found this page October 2007
- Greg Miller - Search for his name and found my site. February 2007
- Greg Zimmerman - looking for my sister Kim. February 2007
- Sarah Foulkes - 12 year old daughter of Eric Foulkes. November 2006
- Keith Miscione. co-worker. January 2006
- Someone asking about Reuel Robertson July 2004
- Rachel Tamburri-Saunders saying she knows several East Hanover people on my list June 2004
- A friend trying to contact Dan Sauro May 2004
- Someone looking for Keith Miscione. co-worker. August 2003
- Brian Simone - friend from Monmouth College. May 2003
- Jason Zeringue - graphic artist at Microsoft. April 2003
- Glenn Siriano - classmate from Holmdel highschool (saw his name but doesn't
remember me). March 2003
- Craig Oberfield - roommate of my friend Mark Kovach. March 2003
- Mike Kapcsos - met me once when he was 12 back in 1981 but remembered me
somehow. March 2003
- Joe Bertolino - BMX buddy of mine from East Hanover. March 2003
- Ronnie Vorhies - wife of Herby Vorhies whom I went to grade school with.
February 2003
- Linda Burt contacted me after seeing the New York Times article on this page. She is a board member at
Neighborhood Music School in New Haven, CT. The school has
existed since 1911 but the computer records only go back 5 years. She wondered if my site would help her
find lost alums, friends, parents, etc. February 2003
- Marvin Silvergold - saw the article in the New York Times about
this web page - February 2003
- Someone looking for Keith Miscione. They went to Grammar and High School
together. January 2003
- Pamela L. O'Connell from New York Times - writes an online diary column in the
section called Circuits which is published every
Thursday. (actual
article) She was researching an item about people who list "everyone they know" on their
personal web sites. January 2003. Later I discovered she mentions me again in another
article dated August 12, 2004.
- Sean Thayer to tell me that this web page was discussed at MetaFilter. January 2003
- Someone on my list asked if I would remove their married name from my list so her crazy roommate can't
find her. January 2003
- Someone looking for Eric Ledoux. November 2002
- Dennis Jablonski, but not the Dennis I knew. This one lives in Perth,
Western Australia, grew up in Germany and is 20 years old. November 2002
- ex-co-worker of Shanke Liu trying to contact her November 2002
- ex-co-worker of Erik Strommen trying to contact him October 2002
- Tracy Qualls (Microsoft co-worker) September 2002
- Ken Altschuler (Lehigh acquaintance) September 2002
- Russell Ginns (CTW co-worker) March 2002
- Dave Pankenier (HS classmate) February 2002
- Jim Gambony (Lehigh friend)
- Jim Ukstins (Lehigh friend)
- Todd Ramaly (Lehigh friend)
- Patrick Stratton (Microsoft friend)
- A friend of Beth Sauro who is trying to contact her
Friends, Neighbors, Teachers in East Hanover NJ (1968-1980)
- Marcy Gaughn - lived next door (21 Petry Drive)
- Ted Gaugn - lived next door (21 Petry Drive)
- Lorraine DiTaranto - lived next door after the Gaughn's moved (21 Petry Drive)
- Frank Pellecchia - lived next door (17 Petry Drive)
- Shirley Pellecchia - lived next door (17 Petry Drive)
- Lynn Pellecchia - daughter of Frank and Shirley Palechia (17 Petry Drive)
- Turner's - lived behind us
- Corvino's - lived down the street
- Gary Schmidt - lived down the street from me
- Jimmy O'neil - lived up the street from me
- Johny O'neil - older brother of Jimmy Oneal
- Rocco Pascal - brother of Mike Pascal. down the street from me
- Mike Pascal - brother of Rocco Pascal. down the street from me
- Retarded boy - lived down the street and rode the same bicycle as I did
- Patrick Goodwin - (Pat Goodwin) "Little Pat" - lived across the street.
- Michael Goodwin - (Mike Goodwin) - lived across the street. Brother to Mary Sharron Goodwin
- Mary Sharron Goodwin - lived across the street. Brother to Mike Goodwin
- Mr. Mischa - principal of Central School (grades 1 thru 5)
- Mrs. Ross - Kindergarten Teacher
- Mrs. Unknown - 1st Grade Teacher
- Mrs. Woods - 2nd Grade Teacher
- Mrs. Unknown - 3st Grade Teacher
- Mrs. Unknown - 4st Grade Teacher
- Mr. Unknown - 5st Grade Teacher
- Mrs. Apple - 6th Grade Algebra Teacher
- Mr. Unknown - 6th Grade History Teacher
- Mrs. Unknown - 6th Science History Teacher
- Mr. Puleo - Central School gym teacher
- Steven Hawksworth - brother of Harry Hawksworth (best friend for many years). aka Steve Hawksworth
- Harry Hawksworth - brother of Steven Hawksworth
- Robin Lang - sister of Jennifer Lang (girlfriend)
- Jennifer Lang - sister of Robin Lang
- Ian Gemmell - brother of Scott, Brian and Bonnie Gemmell
- Bonnie Gemmell - sister of Ian, Scott and Brian Gemmell
- Scott Gemmell - brother of Ian, Brian and Bonnie Gemmell
- Brian Gemmell - brother of Ian, Scott and Bonnie Gemmell
- David Johnson - son of preacher on local church
- Steven Burns - brother of Peggy Burns
- Peggy Burns - sister of Steven Burns
- Veronica Shea - girl I used to play with a block away
- Susan Sea - got married to her at age 4, she moved away around 2nd or 3rd grade
- Penny White - lived in Chester NJ
- John (?) McCarthy - lived near Ian Gemmell. Brother of Coleen and Kevin McCarthy
- Kevin (?) McCarthy- lived near Ian Gemmell. Brother of Coleen and John McCarthy
- Coleen McCarthy - lived near Ian Gemmell. Sister of Unknown107 and Unknown108
- Patty Marshuetz
- George Schaeffer - big kid on Peniston that lived near Steve Hawksworth. Moved to Maine.
Schoolmates at Central School and Middle School in East Hanover NJ.
- Ann Sorce - known since Kindergarten (now Ann Prizzi)
- Ann Popp - known since Kindergarten
- Doug Meringer - tough guy
- Ian Gemmell - known since Kindergarten
- Jill Kuhfuss - known since Kindergarten
- Kimberly Gervasi - known since Kindergarten
- Tracy Ross - known since Kindergarten
- Jimmy Nagle - genius, transferred to school for smart-kids (Delbarton,
- Steven Cerbone - brother of (Jim?) Cerbone
- Steven Woods - genius, transferred to school for smart-kids
- Greg Miller - father was a cartoonist. Dated Sandee Maciejewski after high school. Luddite so no PC or
Judo and Karate (Tae Kwon Do) Teacher's and fellow students in East Hanover NJ
- Mr. Sica - Judo Teacher
- Dave - Madison YMCA - guy in wheel chair (Vietnam Vet?) who handles keys for lockers. Steve Hawksworth
reports that he died.
- Unknown003 - Tae Kwon Do Teacher
- Unknown004 - Tae Kwon Do class - short stocky red-head red-belt
- Unknown005 - Tae Kwon Do class - hints: male (about 13 1979), rode motorcycles at Fox Hill. Part of the
??? family
- Unknown006 - Tae Kwon Do class - older sister of Unknown005 (about 17 in 1979)
- Unknown007 - Tae Kwon Do class - younger sister of Unknown005 (about 10 in 1979)
- Unknown008 - Tae Kwon Do class - black belt, tough cocky dark-haired, tall
Schoolmates at Hanover Park High School in East Hanover NJ. Number after name indicates at which reunion I saw
- Aimee Espisito - [20th]
- Albert Lasso - [10th 20th]
- Ann Sorce - [10th 20th 35th]
- Anthony Nazzaro - [20th]
- Billy Daire - cross country runner. Thin red-head who used to eat lunch with us.
- Billy Hewitt - thin guy who loved to drum probably because he loved Kiss.
- Brian Flanagan - new kid. got into fights with upper-classman [20th]
- Brian Oakes - [10th] smart kid
- Charles Lee - [10th] nice guy (died from illness)
- Charles Grande -
- Chris Rowen - [10th]
- Cindy Miles -
- Dave Pankenier - [10th]
- Debby Turner -
- Diane Froysland -
- Diane Howe - [10th 20th]
- Diane West - [20th]
- Dan Lyn - [20th]
- Dan Mackinson - [10th 35th]
- Dian Fidalgo - [35th]
- Don Delapenha - didn't really know him but I know of him. I'm listing him here because he died in the
WTC Attack on 9/11/2001
- Don Harrison -
- Don Lapore - [10th]
- Doug Engel - (died, brain aneurysm)
- Dyan Howe - [10th]
- Eric Klein -
- Eric Rothman -
- Frank Neglio - [10th]
- Fred Hogh -
- Gale Wallo - [10th]
- Gayle Howering - [10th]
- Gayle Jenkins -
- Glenn Otto -
- Heidi Hoffler - aka Heidi Kalinowski (married John Kalinowski) [10th 20th]
- Herbert "Herby" Vorhies - [10th]
- Jeff Brennan - [10th 20th]
- Jill Kuhfuss - [10th 35th]
- Jim Rinaldi -
- Joe Espisito - [20th]
- John Crozier -
- John Fields - [20th]
- John Ford - [10th 20th]
- John Kalinowski - married Heidi Hoffler [10th]
- John Love - [20th 35th]
- Joseph Massie - [10th]
- Karen Umstot -
- Karl Lyon -
- Kimberly Gervasi - [10th 20th 35th]
- Herbe Vorhees - [20th]
- Liliana Bio - [20th]
- Lisa Flammia - [20th]
- Lori Marano - [10th]
- Lori Pallitto - [10th]
- Lou Sorce - [20th 35th]
- Louis Musso -
- Mark Kitchen - [20th]
- Mark Mitola - [10th 20th]
- Martin Keating -
- Mary Pellecchia - [20th]
- Michael Modic -
- Michael Trapasso - [10th 20th]
- Mike Masiello - [10th]
- Mike Schoenweiss - [10th]
- Nancy Genung - [20th 35th]
- Paul Klein - the weasel [10th] (saw at 20th, but didn't talk to)
- Patty Marshuetz - [35th]
- Peggy Gullyes -
- Phil Murray -
- Phill Ott -
- Ralph Politi - [10th 20th] (died, hit by a car in front of Politi Auto Parts)
- Rich Rosati - (was at 20th HS reunion, but just missed him)
- Rick Zeien - [20th]
- Rob Girod -
- Robert Schroeder - [10th] Mr. Responsibility crossing guard (saw at 20th HS reunion, but didn't talk to)
- Rose Sorce - [10th 20th 35th]
- Sal Lombardino -
- Sandee Maciejewski - aka Sandee Weiner [10th 20th 35th] Check out her (home page)
- Scott Giannetti - [10th]
- Steven Cerbone [35th]
- Steven Hawksworth -
- Susan Allen - aka Susan Allen Schubert or Susan Schubert [10th]
- Tom Gallagher -
- Tom Healey - [35th]
- Tom Hodic - [10th]
- Tracy Clark - [10th 20th 35th]
- Valerie Caputo - [10th 20th]
- Walter Truskosky (died Aug 1985 as a pilot in the Navy - struck on the
head with a steel pipe by a crazed drug addict (story reported by younger brother Bob Truskosky))
BMX friends in East Hanover (1977-1980)
- Steven Hawksworth -
- Glenn Miller -
- Joe Depery - brother of Mike Depery. Raced with me on the Blue Devils team.
- Steve Henry -
- Eddie Dar -
- Ronnie Newport -
- Mike Depery - brother of Joe Depery. Raced with me on the Blue Devils team.
- Glenn Berkenkamp - got me into bmx. really talented.
- Jim(?) Cerbone - brother of Steven Cerbone, rode bmx with
- Doug Gant - lived on Barnida drive, had a small track behind his house
- Joe Bertolino -
- Mike Dowd -
Other BMX people I knew in East Hanover (1977-1980)
- Brad Platt - brother of Keith Platt
- Keith Platt - brother of Brad Platt
- Charlie Litsky - famous racer at Craigmuer
- Kathy Schachel - World Champion many times at Jag World Championships, sister of John Schachel
- John Schachel - brother of Kathy Schachel
- Steve Malagutti - famous racer at Craigmuer
- Shawn Hamilton - Blue Devil team mate (sponsored by Puch) and son of Bill Hamilton
- Bill Hamilton - father of Shawn Hamilton and Photographer for Total BMX
- Ferdie Garcia - famous racer at Craigmuer
- Barry See - Blue Devil team mate
- Bill McDermott - Roseland Cycle, Roseland NJ, sponsored Blue Devils
- Les Roselle - raced with me on the Ridgedale cycle team. Lived in Dover.
- Unknown456 - little kid, perhaps 12 when I was 15, rode a gold aluminum frame that was too big for him.
Father made him practice every day. Amused by the word Protoplasm.
- Unknown555 - little kid at track, good racer, son of one of the track operators, had more than one bike,
a CYC and an aluminum framed bike that weighed like 10 lbs but for some reason he went faster on the
heavier bike, perhaps because it was a better fit.
BMX friends while living in Holmdel (1980-1982)
- Eli Nerts - brother of Phil and Ben Nerts
- Phil Nerts - brother of Eli and Ben Nerts (died, motorcycle accident age 22)
- Ben Nerts - brother of Eli and Phil Nerts
- John Felice - brother of Dave and Mike Felice
- Tony Nemeth - emulated Timmy Judge, had a Thruster Tri-Power (2003 Mike Kapcsos said "Tony Nemeth is a
prison guard. He took a near fatal motorcycle spill exiting the Parkway 114 about 8-9 years ago. He is
really into mountain biking.")
- Charles Roberts - (aka Charlie Roberts), older brother of Marc Roberts - poor kid who made do (2003 Mike
Kapcsos said "I was buddies with his brother Marc who died of cancer. He might be in California
- Marc Roberts - younger brother of Charlie Roberts (2003 Mike Kapcsos said "I was buddies with his
brother Marc who died of cancer.")
- Patrick Henfy - related to BMX star Greg Hill
- Howard Pearlstein - tall thin, friends with Brian Nee
- Brian Nee - short thin, friends with Howard Pearlstein
- David Felice - brother of John and Mike Felice
- Mike Felice - brother of John and Dave Felice
- Dan ??? - won white power light frame and fork at Tinton Falls
- Mark ??? -
- Mike Miller - (2003 Mike Kapcsos said "Mike Miller joined the Marines after high school. I haven't seen
him since.")
- Liam Leahy - (sp?) short Irish red-head. Memory: once struck by a car while riding his bike.
- Sean Leahy - (sp?) older brother of Lium. (2003 Mike Kapcsos said "Liam and Sean Leahy are NYC cops.")
- Todd Steers - lived in Old Manor neighborhood
- Larry ??? -
- Chris ??? -
- Eddy ??? -
- Andrew Jelagan - (2003 Mike Kapcsos said "I heard that Jelegan is married with a few kids, I think in
- Steve Donalin - lived near Raceway park. Memory: Short but fast and a good jumper
- Steve Williams - the rich kid
- Ted Panulo - sold Redline to
- Jason ??? - mom died, lived with Alex Kneller
- Alex Kneller -
- Marvin Silvergold - owner of Wheeler Dealer
- Mike Kapcsos - he says "I saw you jump your bike over 15 guys laying on their
backs in my backyard. I think it was the only time I ever met you."
- John? - fat short guy lived down three street in Telegraph. His family bred dogs.
Other BMX people I knew while living in Holmdel (1980-1982)
- Sal Echel -
- Michael Huhndorf - aka Mike Huhndorf
- John Epprecht -
- Franco Perino -
- Arty Peterson -
- John Bigelow -
- Tom Anderson - aka Ariel Anderson
- Kenny Aman - aka Ken Aman, Kenneth Aman
- Keith Dreher -
- Chris Blondek - memory: Extremely fast but poor
- Charlie Kakornic -
Other people I knew while living in Holmdel (1980-1982)
- Fred Nerts - father of Eli Nerts and Phil Nerts
- Sarah Nerts - mother of Eli Nerts and Phil Nerts
- Pat ??? - boss at Great Adventure (woman)
Holmdel High School friends (1980-1981)
- Ruth Glazer -
- Eric Muller -
- Andy Muller -
- Rich Muller -
- John Felice -
- John Bogen - nerd. aka Jonathan Bogen
- Steve Feggeler - nerd
- John Harmon - nerd
- Karl Kim - photography guy
- Barbara Maggs - worked with at Great Adventure
- Mindy Brown - worked with her at McDonalds
- Nandita Mookherjes - American Indian friend of my sisters, lived in Old Manor neighborhood
Holmdel High School classmates (1980-1981) Class if 1981
- Maureen -
- Barbara Maggs - (class of 1981)
- Colin Campbell -
- Mike Anus - (class of 1981)
- Debbie Hirsh - married her in sex ed class (class of 1981)
- David Dickstein - (class of 1981)
- Kevin Dennis - burn-out. Worked with at Hess. Total Prick! (class of 1981)
- Dennis Jablonski - nerd (class of 1981)
- Carol Kross - rumored to have liked me. (class of 1981)
- Urban LeJeune - classmate (class of 1981)
- Maureen McCann - quiet girl. Met in library. We saw Private Benjiman together. (class of 1981)
- Judy Melillo - looked good at 10th but didn't talk to (class of 1981)
- Greg Acquaviva - 10th anniversary on his family farm (class of 1981)
- Didi Aftab - 5th anniversary at her house (class of 1981)
- Glenn Siriano - outspoken Texan new-guy in school. Met in sex ed (aka family
living) (class of 1981)
- Suzanne Wilson - met at 10th. Searching for a goal in life. (class of 1981)
- Barbara Bon - the name sounds really familiar but I don't remember why (class of 1981)
- Mark Buczynski - football player who went into professional wrestling after highscool (class of 1981)
- Robert Carducci - don't remember why I know him (class of 1981)
- Louis Di Gerolamo - don't remember why I know him (class of 1981)
- Wayne Eldridge - burn out (class of 1981)
- Christopher Gaffney - don't remember why I know him (class of 1981)
- James Gerrity - burn out (class of 1981)
- Andrew Hanlon - twin of Matthew Hanlon (class of 1981)
- Matthew Hanlon - twin of Andrew Hanlon (class of 1981)
- Jodi Liebesman - cute girl (class of 1981)
- Gerald Luchs - lived up the street from me. Always wore a Greatful Dead t-shirt (class of 1981)
- Jim MacDonald - very interesting person (class of 1981)
- Ann Mahoney - met at 10th. Real nice to talk to (class of 1981)
- Glenn Marchione - can't remember why I know him (class of 1981)
- Brian Jennings - can't remember why I know him (class of 1981)
- Walter Stickle - nerdy, big into band (class of 1981)
- Stephen Strandberg - can't remember why I know him (class of 1981)
- John Waldron - real tall guy, can't remember why I know him (class of 1981)
- Leigh Zarra - can't remember why I know her (class of 1981)
- Jill Zawacki - one of the prettiest girls in school (class of 1981)
- Chris Hunt - familiar face in year book (class of 1981)
- ??? Savage - pretty girl sat in front of me in typing class
Holmdel High School classmates (1980-1981) Class if 1982
- Ed Bao - motocross dude (class of 1982)
- James Burrowes - lived up the street from me (class of 1982)
- Mike Carroll - (class of 1982)
- Paul Cela - (class of 1982)
- Scott Christian - (class of 1982)
- Benjamin Davis - (class of 1982)
- Ralph Finaldi - (class of 1982)
- Robert Kochaniewicz - in some of my classes (class of 1982)
- Andrew Kraemer - (class of 1982)
- Chris LeJeune - (class of 1982)
- Bill McCormick - (class of 1982)
- Donna Mishlen - one of the prettiest girls in school (class of 1982)
- William Neihart - (class of 1982)
- David Sorensen - burn-out (class of 1982)
- Bill Spooner - on Cross Country with me. One of the star runners (class of 1982)
- Bill Weinstein - new kid, met in gym class, were friends until he figured out how to make friends with
more popular tennis-playing kids (class of 1982)
Holmdel High School classmates (1980-1981) Class if 1983
- Barbara Bresnick - one of my sisters best friends (class of 1983)
- Cissy King - on track team - often saw her running by my house. When I played Tomb Raider, Laura Croft
reminded me of her because they both had this pony tail swishing in the wind as they ran (class if 1983)
- John Felice - BMX buddy (class of 1983)
- Ruth Glazer - one of my sisters best friends (class of 1983)
- John Kara - lived down the street from me (class of 1983)
- Elizabeth Keenan - (class of 1983)
- David Mauro - (class of 1983)
- Joe Basile - sat at lunch table with us, friend of Barbara Maggs (class of 1983). Might be an actor now
- Nandita Mookherjes - met thru Ruth Glazer. Nice Indian girl lived at the bottom of Telegraph Hill road
(class of 1983)
- Glenn Dill - met thru Ruth Glazer, short, dark hair, in drama club, friend of Robert Parkenson (class of
- Robert Parkenson - met thru Ruth Glazer, short, skinny, blonde hair, in drama club, friend of Glenn Dill
(class of 1983)
- Rochelle Shaposhnick - friend of Ruth Glazer who lived off of Stony Brook and Ravine. Short curly dirty
blonde hair petite. (class of 1983)
- Laura Bagley - long blonde hair - used to sit at our lunch table
Holmdel High School classmates (1980-1981) Class if 1984
- Neil Maggio - perhaps the nerdiest looking kid in school (class of 1984)
- Charley Roberts - BMX buddy (class of 1984)
- Nancy Mizrahi - worked for her dad at 7-11 (died, suicide) (class of 1984)
Holmdel High School Teachers (1980-1981)
- Mr. Francis - Computer Science teacher. Learned BASIC.
Monmouth College Friends (1983-1987)
- Abid Khaleel - not sure why I know him
- Alan Goldberg - classmate
- Brian Simione - friend and classmate in AI class
- Chris Green - classmate
- Chris Melore - classmate
- Craig Beyer - friend of Lisa Belo Mocho. Classmate too, I think.
- Craig Oberfield - AE Pi Frat President and roommate of Mark Kovach
- Cynthia Stowe - met thru Lisa Belo Mocho
- Dave Lubin - roommate
- Donna Cairns - aka Donna Donahue
- Edward Kankowski - roommate and friend of Brian Simione
- Eve Sternberg - classmate
- Gabe Scala - classmate
- Ikchoon (Tim) Kang
- Jean Samyn - marked in yearbook. Face familiar but not sure why
- Jerry Almazan - aka Jeff Almazan (Jeff is his real name)
- Kevin Kavleski - didn't know him at Monmouth College, but we both graduated at the same time and both
ended up knowing each other Lehigh
- Kim Martis - met thru Lisa Belo Mocho
- Larry Sachs - marked in yearbook. Face familiar but not sure why
- Lisa Belo Mocho - girlfriend
- Lora Cross - girlfriend of Robert Pucci, classmate in SCUBA class
- Mark Kovach - classmate (aka Iggy)
- Mark Murtha - classmate
- Michelle Banafato - not sure why I know her. Face familiar in yearbook
- Nestor Mustafa - met thru Donna Cairns. Classmate.
- Paul Walensky - boyfriend of ???. Not sure how why I know him
- Rich Kaplan - lived in same dorm suite
- Robert Pucci - classmates in SCUBA class. Boyfriend of Lora Cross.
- Roger ??? - lived in same dorm suite
- Sandra Kauffman -
- Tony Pantini - lived in same squite as Lisa Belo Mocho
- Walter Ryan - classmate in AI class
- Unknown - geeky guy who lived near college. Not a student? Listened to Laurie Anderson with huge
ear-muff portable head-phones.
- Unknown - fat short guy who dated Lisa briefly. Met while crossing street running from Corvette trying
to run us over.
Monmouth College Professors and Faculty (1983-1987)
- John E. Carson - most remembered for Data Structure class. Used to start each class by writing an
interesting quote on the board.
- John Martin - Assistant Dean of Student Life
- Rosy - friendly lady who checked or meal cards each time we came into the Dining hall
- Walter Reichert - taught Numerical Methods
Monmouth College Roommates (1985-1987)
- Jeff Littlefield - (Spring 1985 & Fall 1985)
- Doug Pschick - (Summer 1985)
- Paul Epstien - (Spring 1986)
- Mark Kovach - (1st Summer Semester 1986)
- Liron Gross - (2nd Summer Semester 1986)
- Don Gulyas - (1st half of Fall 1986)
- Dave Lubin - (2nd half of Fall 1986 and Spring 1987)
Lehigh University Friends, co-workers, bosses and acquaintances (1987-1992)
- Alice / Allison ??? - vague memories like she baby sitted my cat for a week, cookied my house dinner
once and helped me with the words to REM's song "It's the end of the world as we know it (but I feel
- Amanda Bischoff - roommate, aka Amanda Grethe and Amanda Bischoff-Grethe, met thru Cathy Glaser
- Apple ??? - met at the Multimedia Lab. Has 3 sisters named Pear, Peach and Plum
- Arun Aggarwal - roommate
- Ash ??? - friend from India. Shanke Liu's housemate and boyfriend
- Becky ??? - classmate
- Ben Schragger - friend, co-worker Multimedia lab
- Bijan Marjan - friend of Cathy Glaser
- Brad Price - friend of Wendy Strutin, worked in the Lehigh computer store long after he graduated
- Brian ??? - very funny guy
- Cathy Glaser - (now Cathy Watson) girlfriend, met at buss stop first semester
- Cedrick Chan - met thru Geordie Harris
- Chip Kerchner - roomate, met in Operating Systems class first semester
- Dai Lan - Married to Yi Lan
- Darcy Howe - met thru Linda Myers, married Jeff Baylor
- Darren ??? - met thru Linda Myers, rode bikes with
- Dave J. Sherar - met in gameroom. We competed for highscore on the video game Off-Road
- David Bader - met thru Wendy Strutin
- David Rees Scott III - aka David Rees. Big Geek with scratchy voice
- Dina Wills - boss for Journalism dept for coding News Conference simulator
- Dustin Ferris - housemates with Geordie Harris, Cedrick Chan, Jeff Sherzer
- Ed Liu - co-worker at Multimedia lab
- Eric ??? - Mt. Biker - had a red Pro-Flex
- Ester ??? - worked at Multimedia lab. I basically got her job when she got pregnant and left.
- Frank Benginia - registrar. Helped with Masters thesis on scheduling
- Gary Chin - met thru Cathy Glaser
- Geordie Harris - not sure how I met him. On a bike ride probably. Roommates with Cedrick Chan and
friends with Dustin Ferris and Jeff Sherzer
- Greg Keyser - partner on my team in the stock market club. Both ended up at Microsoft.
- Guy Cumberbatch - met on trip to Canada
- Heidi Hodgman - girlfriend, met thru Cathy Glaser
- Holly Brown - friend of Linda Myers. Liked me.
- Isabelle Lautard - met thru Sarita Pereira
- Jamie Flinchbough - Mt. bike friend
- Jeff Baylor - although a friend of Wendy Strutin�s, I met thru Linda Myers. First friend to die. Dated
Wendy Strutin and Amanda Bischoff and Darcy Howe. Married Darcy.
- Jeff Sherzer - roomate, met thru Geordie Harris
- Jeff Zemsky - loaned me his Mt. bike (Cannondale) and later we became friends
- Jenny Silverman - met thru Cathy Glaser
- Jim Gambony - met thru Cathy Glaser
- Jim ??? - Mt. Bike - lived with Geordie Harris, Jeff Sherzer and Cedrick Chan
- Jodi (Lewis) - met thru Cathy Glaser
- Joe Siecowski - co-worker in Sun Lab, worked together on Research Project
- Joe Sullivan - boss at Lehigh
- John Bunko - worked at Bethlehem Steel. Worked with him while working at Multimedia Lab at Lehigh.
- John Early - Mt. Biker
- Jim Ukstins - met thru Cathy Glaser
- Ken Altschuler - computer nerd. Friends of Darcy, Jeff and Amanda
- Ken Thangsuphanich - real name: Kamolchanoke Thangsuphanich - lived Across the hall from me in apartment
bldg (Saucon Village)
- Kevin Kavleski - we both worked for the professor Unknown530. He graduated from Monmouth College when I
did but we didn't know each other then.
- Leroy Tusher - boss, Multimedia Lab
- Leslie Lucas - girlfriend and co-worker at Multimedia lab
- Lewis Tanzos - co-worker at Multimedia lab and friend
- Leif Berner - Mt. bike friend - got a job in Japan and got married
- Linda Myers - met at buss stop first semester (aka Linda Breslin). Married to Mike Breslin.
- Metin Demir - Turkish roommate
- Michael Engel - met thru Linda Myers, Math Major
- Michael Knies - friend and roommate of Jeff Baylor, friend of Monique
- Mike Mallory - met thru Cathy Glaser
- Monique Jansen - roomate, met thru Linda Myers
- Mitz Niwa - tutored me in Japanese
- Paul Lewis - met thru Cedrick
- Sarita Pereira - met thru Linda Myers
- Shanke Liu - girlfriend. Although a friend of Yi Lan, I met her in Small Talk
- Solomon ??? - met thru Cathy Glaser
- Todd Ramaly - met thru Cathy Glaser
- Wally Trimble - boss at Journalism dept
- Wendy Strutin - aka Wendy Strutin Riedy or Wendy Riedy, although a friend of Jeff Baylor's, I met her
- Yi Lan - aka Lan Yi - although a friend of Shanke Liu�s I met Lan Yi on campus. Married to Dai.
- Jeff Zemsky - fellow Mt. biker, loaned his Mt. bike to me, help organize Mt. bike races
- Unknown520 ??? - boss - Material Science dept - wrote software to determine if his calculations for NASA
were correct
- Unknown530 ??? - boss - Chemistry Dept - QuickBASIC program to control impedance analyzer to measure
electrical properties of various polymer coatings
- Unknown600 - Friendly women who worked at the Bethlehem Racquetball Club (pic)
- Unknown601 - Always seemed to be dehydrated. Had a very small orange car. Extremely fit. Boyfriend of
- Unknown602 - Short & petite, long blonde hair, new agie. Typically wore a very long dress. Girlfriend of
- Unknown603 - met thru Linda as she was hired to help the Graduate Student Council. Involved in protests.
Blonde hair.
Lehigh University Roommates at 416 Martel St (1987-1992)
- Ali Yilmaz - Turkish/male
- Amanda Bischoff - aka Amanda Grethe and Amanda Bischoff-Grethe
- Arjun Kaji - Indian/male
- Arun Aggarwal - Indian/male
- Dave Parke
- Eric Nickerson
- Gary Schotland - drove a cool European car
- Hasan Gunes - Turkish/male
- Hong ??? - Chinese/male
- Ilkur ??? - Turkish/male
- Jeff Baylor -
- Jeff Sherzer -
- Jim ???
- Yi Lan - Chinese/female
- Louis ???
- Marius Moscovici
- Metin Demir - Turkish/male
- Monique Jansen - Belgian/female
- Osman Guzide - Turkish/male
- Ozgur Akin - Turkish/male
- Ridvan Sahan - Turkish/male
- Shen ??? - Chinese/male
- Sulleyman ??? - Turkish/male
Children's Television Workshop Co-Workers (1992-1993)
- Cara Copperman - Research
- Daniel Castillo - ?
- Danielle Castillo - Artist
- Doris Urquhart - Research?
- Ellen Barri - ?
- Eric Honsch - Programmer and office-mate
- Erik Strommen - ?
- Eustacia Marsales - Research?
- Gina Covington - ?
- Glenda Revelle - Lead
- Jeff Donahue - aka Spencer Grey
- Kara Miller - ?
- Katherine Schultz - ?
- Lisa Modoff - ?
- Lyle Booth - Artist
- Maria Manhattan - Artist
- Michael Artin - Lead
- Michelle Meeker - ?
- Peter Lester - Artist
- Phillipe Steinmann - ?
- Ralph Smallburg - Lead
- Rebecca Parker - Research
- Rob Madell - Lead
- Robert Ruiz - ?
- Roger Widicus - ?
- Rosalind Hartigan - Programmer, aka known as Ros or Roz
- Russell Ginns - Lead
- Setareh Razavi - ?
- Seth Meyers - Lead
- Steve Bove - Artist
- Valerie Vigoda - Music - Perhaps the biggest "celebrity" I know. She's now in the
band Groove Lily. She's played with Cyndi Lauper and Joe Jackson.
We were rollerblading buddies. I taught her some inner-city rollerblading tips like
how to get up and down stairs or blade across gravel and bumpy man-hole covers.
- Will Boyce - Programmer
- Yma Coleman - Secretary - she made working there fun. She always had a huge smile.
- Unknown8943 - guard (white, female, short, 40's or 50's)
- Unknown7432 - guard (black, female, 20's)
New York Acquaintances (1992-1993)
- Felix ??? - Rollerblade teacher at Equinox Gym
Prodigy Online Services Co-workers (1993-1995)
- Alain Benzaken - worked on TTOPS
- Andrea Barbakoff -
- Andrew Kutzy - co-worker Autogen
- Brian Marchand - co-worker Autogen
- Dave Miller - co-worker Autogen
- Dave Zecchin - co-worker
- David Baird - lived in my bldg, worked on my floor, commuted to work with, but not a co-worker
- Wife of David Baird
- Sister of David Baird
- Don Halbauer - co-worker
- Jared ??? -
- Joe Magrino - co-worker
- Jonathan Taylor - I took over his job maintaining Autogen
- Judith Bruk - met thru Gina Covington
- Keith Miscione - boss
- Konrad Kleinbub - boss and co-worker Autogen
- Mike Diliberto - boss Autogen
- Mike Toscano - co-worker
- Paul Valenti - co-worker and office-mate
- Pete DiRenzo - co-worker
- Scott Roberts - co-worker Autogen
Microsoft Bosses (1995-1999)
- Dean Hoshizaki - Test Lead SPAM
- George Miller - Test Lead
- Jeff Hartin - Test Lead InterPress
- Reuel Robertson - PM Lead
- Rob Veal - Test Lead
- Terry Cook - Test Lead on SPAM and MM Controls
Microsoft Co-Workers (1995-1999)
- Unknown - Human Resources, hired me (super nice)
- Alan Geller - PM/InterPress
- Andy Hill - PM/InterPress
- Anne Chinn - Dev/InterPress
- Bert Kleewein - Encarta Spammer Developer
- Bill Aloof - Dev/SPAM
- Breanna Anderson - Dev/InterPress
- Brian Miller - Test/SPAM
- Bruce Johnson - PM/SPAM
- Chris Noon - Test/InterPress
- Chuck Lynch - Test/InterPress
- Chungying Chu - Dev/InterPress (officemate)
- Dave Stewart - Test/AudioMan and Dev/???, rollerblading and racquetball buddy
- David Ash - Test on SPAM, MM Controls and InterPress
- David John - Artist on SPAM
- Domenick Dellino - Docs on InterPress
- Eric Ledoux - Dev on MM Controls and Dev Lead on InterPress
- Eric Slesar - PM/InterPress
- Gordon Barnes - Dev/SPAM
- Howard Perkins - Dev/InterPress
- J.P. Wilkins - Test/InterPress
- Jeff Faulstich - Test/InterPress
- Jeremiah Spradlin - aka Jeremy Spradlin, Test/SPAM and MMControls
- Jerry Farrel - Test/SPAM and MMControls
- Jim Moore - Test
- Joan Kelley - Docs/SPAM, MM Controls and InterPress
- John Gill - Dev/SPAM
- John Schwabacher - Dev/SPAM
- Julienne Bollerud - Interpress Program Manager
- Kelli Nairn - Administrative Assistant
- Laurie Clayton - PM SPAM
- Lindsey Noll - Dev/InterPress
- Lou Lucarelli - Test and Mt. Biking buddy
- Lynne Hill - PM InterPress
- Mark Jenkins - InterPress
- Mark Horowitz - Doc/InterPress
- Mark MacKenzie - Encarta Spammer
- Michael Van Kleeck - Dev Lead
- Mike Butler - Dev/SPAM
- Mike Davis - Dev/InterPress (MSNBC)
- Paul Johns - Dev/InterPress
- Paul Kollmorgen - Dev/InterPress
- Paul Shustak - Encarta Spammer
- Paula Mendoza - Docs/SPAM
- Peter Bradley - InterPress
- Peter Cook - Dev/SPAM
- Peter Small - Test/SPAM and Dev/InterPress
- Rajesh Jha - Dev Lead
- Richard Fowler - InterPress
- Rob FanFant - Dev/SPAM
- Rob Lindsay - Test/InterPress
- Robin Goldstein - InterPress
- Russ Evans - Test/InterPress
- Sarah Haworth - Docs/InterPress
- Sean Flynn - Dev/SPAM
- Stephen Bard - Dev/InterPress
- Stephen Hou - Dev/InterPress
- Steve Burkett - Dev/SPAM
- Steve Weba - Dev/MM Controls
- Stuart Despain - Docs
- Tom Watson - Docs/InterPress
- Tony Capone - Dev/InterPress
- Tracy Qualls - Test/SPAM
- Vinayak Bhalerao - Dev/InterPress
Microsoft acquaintances (1995-1999)
- Brian McDowell - Dev/AudioMan (had a lounge dedicated to him)
- Brian Thomas Cheek - Blue Ribbon, musician, rollerblader buddy, all round nice guy
- Jason Zeringue - met while playing Virtua Fighter 3 in bldg A. Artist on
Flight Simulator. Was going to redo artwork for my home page.
- Erik Strommen - co-worker at the Children's Television Workshop
- Erin Foxford -
- Greg Keyser - met at Lehigh University
- Kelly Craven - Blue Ribbon
- Mark Burton - Dev/Blue Ribbon
- Melissa Jordan Grey - Blue Ribbon lead (married to Todor Fay)
- Mikky Anderson - lead that worked nearby
- Monica Bailey - My Human Resources contact
- Patrick Stratton - Tester/AudioMan, rollerblading and racquettball buddy
- Tim Dehan - Test Lab Manager, rollerblading buddy
- Todd Orler -
- Todor Fay - Blue Ribbon lead (married to Melissa Jordan Grey)
- Willy Jin - Microsoftie, Mt. Biking and snowboarding buddy
Friends in Seattle area (1995-2000)
- Alex Crick - Microsoftie, met thru Crystal Laremore
- Capper - landlady in Seattle. Lived above us.
- Jane - sister of Capper. Lived below us.
- Crystal Laremore - Girlfriend, met thru Sean Thayer
- David John - Microsoftie, co-worker on SPAM
- David Tijerina - Microsoftie met thru Shane Brady
- Erica Hirschmann - Microsoftie met thru Judith Bruk. Dated Mike Klozar
- Gabrielle Brown - Microsoftie met thru Judith Bruk
- Janet Fisher - Microsoftie met thru Sean Thayer
- Jerome Boss - Microsoftie met thru Judith Bruk
- Judith Bruk - Microsoftie, Girlfriend
- Liz Longsworth - Microsoftie met thru Judith Bruk. Dated Tom Kreyche
- Mike Klozar - Microsoftie, met thru Judith Bruk. Dated Erica Hirschmann - told the best stories mainly
because he had so many stories to tell. This guy really knows how to live life.
- Nicole Germain - met thru Crystal Laremore
- Peter Bekker - Microsoftie met thru Judith Bruk
- Peter Krech - Snowboarder, met thru Willy Jin
- Rich Demar - Microsoftie, met thru Sean Thayer
- Sinclair Bell - Microsoftie met thru Sean Thayer who later got engaged to her (died, suicide)
- Tom Kreyche - Microsoftie met thru Judith Bruk. Dated Liz Longsworth
- Travis Chow - Microsoftie
- Willy Jin - Microsoftie, Mt. Biking and snowboarding buddy
- Yarom Boss - Microsoftie, co-worker of Judith Bruk
- Eva Barany - friend of my cousin Athena
- Anita Barany - daughter of Eva Barany
Seattle Acquaintances (1995-1999)
- Debra Roseman - friend of Judith Bruk
- Unknown200 - personal trainer at the Pro Club gym (tall)
- Unknown300 - personal trainer at the Pro Club gym (short)
- Megan ??? - personal trainer at 24 Hr Fitness gym (asian)
- Darcy ??? - personal trainer at 24 Hr Fitness gym (very buff, taught spinning)
Roommates in Seattle area (1995-2000)
- Judith Bruk - (Girlfriend)
- Sandy Hood - Microsoftie (Cambrian apartment)
- Vania Clemons - Microsoftie (Cambrian apartment)
- James Lee - Microsoftie (Cambrian apartment)
- Shane Brady - Microsoftie (Cambrian apartment), Mt. Biking and snowboarding buddy
- Saif Khamus - Microsoftie (Cambrian apartment)
- Sean Thayer - Microsoftie (Cambrian apartment)
- Spencer Maiers - (Cambrian/Avalon apartment) worked at Monolith
- Autumn McCrorie - (Cambrian/Avalon apartment)
- Darren Korman - (Cambrian/Avalon apartment) worked at Monolith
- Brennon Reid - (Avalon apartment) worked at Wild Tangent
- Mark Brown - (Avalon apartment) worked at Monolith (aka Noffler)
Holmdel, NJ (2000-2003)
- Eli Nerts - (husband of Randi Sirrah, CEO of Radio Channel Networks)
- Randi Sirrah - (wife of Eli Nerts)
- Steve Sacaras - (President of Radio Channel Networks)
- Niki Yelvington -
Hunter, NY (2003/2004)
- Beverly Thatcher - (boss on web page)
- Milan Slapak - (boyfriend of Beverly)
- Annie Butler (Beverly babysat once in a while)
- Shamus Butler - (father of Annie)
Phoenix, AZ (2005)
- Richard Kaphan
- James Jones
- David Chapman
- Stella Butora
- John Dertinger
- Pastor from deaf church
Malaysia (2005-2007)
- Yeoh Phaick Ho (my wife aka Kelly)
- Yeoh Pik Chu (Kelly's sister #1)
- Yeoh Phaik Chin (Kelly's sister #2)
- Yeoh Beng Ee (Kelly's sister #4)
- Yeoh Phaik Lim (Kelly's sister #5)
- Yeoh Pei Tee (Kelly's sister #8)
- Yeoh Pek Ping (Kelly's sister #9)
- Yeoh Ah Bee (Kelly's father)
- Ooi Ah Nya (Kelly's mom)
- Stephanie (Foong Hai Peng) Kelly's adopted sister
- Ong Eng Hock (husband of Yeoh Pik Chu)
- Thong Yew Chye (husband of Yeoh Phaik Chin)
- Chiang Hwa Aun (husband of Yeoh Beng Ee)
- Foo Huoo Ming (husband of Yeoh Phaik Lim)
- Goh Yong Ghee (husband of Yeoh Pek Ping)
- Leong Mei Jiuan (step sister of Kelly)
- Ong Zhi Xuen (Son #1 of Yeoh Pik Chu)
- Ong Zhi Yang (Son #2 of Yeoh Pik Chu)
- Ong Zhi Le (Son #3 of Yeoh Pik Chu)
- Zhi Liang (Son #4 of Yeoh Pik Chu)
- Thong Kar Wenn (daughter #1 of Yeoh Phaik Chin)
- Thong Kar Yin (daughter #2 of Yeoh Phaik Chin)
- Chiang Zhi Yong (son #1 of Yeoh Beng Ee)
- Chiang Zhi Zhun (son #2 of Yeoh Beng Ee
- Foo Weng Kar (son #1 of Yeoh Phaik Lim)
- Foo Weng Chen (son #2 of Yeoh Phaik Lim)
- Foo Weng Shin (son #3 of Yeoh Phaik Lim)
- Foo Juin Hui (daughter #4 of Yeoh Phaik Lim)
- Yeoh Xiang Ying (daughter #1 of Leong Mei Jiuan)
- Yeoh Zhi Ying (daughter #2 of Leong Mei Jiuan)
- Uncles
- Aunts
- Thai friend #1
- Thai friend #2
- Pastor at church
- Wife of Pastor
- Son #1 of Pastor
- Son #2 of Pastor
- Raymond Joseph (blind man at church)
- Jeffrey (Tan Chee Thye), deaf friend
- Wife of Tan Chee Thye
- Deaf friends we met in Georgetown
- Deaf friends we met in Kuala Lumpur
- Wheelie Boys
My wife's friends
- Brenda Lam
- Latanya Williams
- Savannah Ross - daughter of Latanya
- Ben Travis - boss (Chief Engineer)
- Chris Travis - Ben's dad (CEO)
- Cheryl Travis - Ben's mom (Chair of BOD)
- Andrew Pei - first developer from China
- Dylan Wang - second developer from China. Friend of Andrew replacing Andrew
- Kashif Siddiq - Pakistan developer (Bit Coders)
- Faisal Ameen - Pakistan developer (Bit Coders) (died: drown while swimming in Dubai)
- Sajid Mushtaq - Pakistan developer (vSolv)
- Asim ??? - Pakistan developer (vSolv)
- Michael Wasson - developer in Florida
- Michelle Poolet - SQL Guru
- Anil Koul - PM
- Tris Coffin - Art Director
- Adrian Chioreanu - Graphic Artist from Romania
International Institute for Learning Co-Workers
- E. LaVerne Johnson - CEO
- Zack Halbrecht - dev lead
- Susan Palermo - bosses boss
- Roman Gekhman - dev lead #2
- Kate Chernick - developer
- Sid Lama - officemate
- Jose Ng - officemate
- Roy Aslan - tech support
- Luis Galvez - tech support
- Tony Caruana - office assistant
- Stephen Blandon - sales
- Tina
- Austin Malcomb - officemate
- John Allman - officemate
- Andrea Johnson - assistant to CEO
- Yvelina Ngon - assistant/sales
- Michael Borges
- Colby Africa
- Toshi - Guy from Japan
- Raymund Zalamea - Guy who left IIL shortly after I got there
- Ayse Sener - New girl in Marketing
The Walt Disney Company co-workers
- Raul Pavia (boss)
- Allan Jones (boss of Raul)
- Danan Darrundono - officemate/System Engineer
- Joe Davenport - officemate/System Engineer
- Greg Huang - officemate/Web Developer (Toontown)
- Justin Anderson - officemate/Web Developer (Cars)
- Dan Savage - officemate/Web Developer (Toontown)
- David Edmiston - officemate/Tech Writer
- Albert Durstenfeld - officemate/Web Developer (Toontown)
- Carlos Martinez - Web Developer
- Chris Sloyer - Web/Flash/Tea Developer
- Chris Hong - Web Developer
- Lucille Widjaja - Tea Developer
- Bruce Blum - Lead Dev (Toontown)
- Becky Bruza - Production (Cars)
- Katie Connel - Community Manager (Cars)
- Lin Leng - Marketing (Cars)
- Rocky Slaughter - Producer (Cars)
- Amy E. Nelson - Flash Dev (Cars)
- Kevin Zia - Manager (Cars)
- Mary Schuyler - Producer (Pirates)
- Alberto Campo - Assistant producer (Pirates)
- Christina Jaio - Graphic Artist (Pirates)
- Darren Chang - Graphic Artist Lead
- Eric Reimer - Graphic Artist
- Matt Lisuch - Flash Programmer
- Ben Hines - System Engineer
- Michael Nightingale - Web Developer (Cars)
- Kristin Rozum - Producer (Pixies)
- Caleb Wong - Graphic Artist (Pixies)
- Mary Bae - Producer (Pixies)
- Christophe Bahamed - Manager
- Kim Grauer - System Engineer
- Kevin O'Sullivan - Flash Dev
- Sol Sulanchupakorn - Senior Producer (Toontown)
- Tony Jeng
- Daniel Da Silva - Security Guard
The Traffic Agency co-workers
- Alberto Garcia
- Andres Barreto
- Dennis Baliton
- Erin Fruchtman (pm)
- Gary Stevens (bosses boss)
- Joe Johnson (web dev)
- Jessica "Jess" Daniel
- Jim McMillan (it guy)
- Kerwin Jordan (sql dba)
- Krishna Seelam (java dev)
- Lan Faber (web dev)
- Leighton Dorey (flash dev)
- Mark Logan (graphic artist)
- Mark Williamson (web/flash dev)
- Mitchell "Mitch" Malpartida (boss)
- Molly Ryder (pm)
- Pradeep Thacker (tester)
- Rudy Adams-Mahal
- Steven Novak (sql dba)
- Sunny Clark (flash dev)
- Stephen O'Boyle
- Shawn Marincas (web dev)
- Tim Wright
Co-Workers at Merrill Lynch / Bank of America
- Paresh Deshmukh - boss (prototyper)
- Jitender Singh - web designer (prototyper)
- Suresh Kempula - web develoer (prototyper)
- Dave O'Brien - web developer (prototyper)
- Pratik Mehta - web developer (prototyper)
- Tanya Golbin - web developer (prototyper)
- Theo Spencer - web developer (prototyper)
- Milan Adamovsky - web developer (prototyper)
- Adeola Fadeyibi - web developer (prototyper)
- Piyush Jain - web developer (prototyper)
- Brian Lovely - web developer (prototyper)
- Patrys Garciagonzalez - web designer/developer (prototyper)
- SrinivasRao Lalam - web developer/neighbor/ride to work (prototyper)
- Manoj Sennakesavan - web developer (prototyper)
- Daniel Porcher - web developer (prototyper)
- Hemant Patel - web developer (prototyper)
- Don Srogis - web developer (prototyper)
- Dante Moore - web designer (prototyper)
- Chirag Patel - web designer (prototyper)
- Saravanan Natarajan - web developer (prototyper) used to joke his name was Savarananananan
- Harsh Barot - web developer (offshore prototyper)
- Chintan Shah - friend of Jitender
- Aashish Chaurasia - friend of Jitender
- Chintan Joshi - developer/neighbor/ride to work
- Vijay Bongane - developer/neighbor/ride to work
- Santosh Mali - developer
- PKG Balaraman - developer
- Michael Tredinnick - system analyst
- Michael J. Young - boss of boss
- Pavan Bondugula - web developer
- Julia Tiedge - web designer
- Pam Reynolds - program manager
- Richard Shanks - program manager
- Sheetal Sharma - program manager
- Gregory Cooke - lead
- Daniel Akowitz - system analyst
- Laura Batten - system analyst
- Charlie Bachi - system analyst lead
- Heather Weinberg
- Sakthivadivel - developer
- Paresh Patel - developer
- Yacine Arbani - developer lead
- Venu Mididoddi - developer lead
- Pat Kane - content management
- Kris Spadaccia - content
- Arpit Patel - lead
- Rajesh Gauer - system analyst
- Bill Cockayne - boss of boss
- Tim Johnson
- Debbie Miksiewicz
- Holly Byrnes
- Jonathan Bagby
- Eric Karcher - web designer
Neighbors in Ewing
- Luis Rojas - gamer kid lived downstairs in apt 409
- Lucy Rojas - sister of Luis
- Lesley Rojas - mom of Luis
Co-Workers at Educational Testing Service
- James Rura - boss
- Laura Delate-Miller - bosses boss
- Marc Silver - bosses bosses boss
- Dawn Byrd - supervisor of my project
- AJ Genovesi - program manager of my project
- Daniel Jacquemin - senior full-stack web developer
- Wilfred Hitchman - web developer
- Paul Perez - web developer
- Aaron Lambert - web developer
- David "Dave" Nagel - senior front-end web developer
- Leonardo "Lenny" Ferre
- Lawrence La Raia
- Robert Horvath
- Russell "Russ" Williams
- Michael "Mike" Wolf
- Courtney Millard
- Sandy Minnick
- Daniel Porcher - co-worker from Bank of America who also got a job at ETS in a different dept
- Titus Teodorescu - software engineer
- Georgi "George" Ivanov - server engineer
- John Molnar - server engineer
- Sharon Botteri - assistant
Co-Workers at Comcast (first time)
- Tom Barker (Boss)
- JB Fischer (Billing product owner)
- David Kain (Settings and Devices product owner)
- Raghushankar "Raghu" Ramalingam (Lead for Content Service Provider)
- Tejas Patel (Users product owner)
- Darcy Feuerstein - (My Account product owner)
- Melanie Hirst (Scrum Master)
- Daniel (Dan) Freiman (Lead Developer)
- Peter "Pete" Schuster (Web Developer)
- Nabil Hashmi (Web Developer)
- Gopal Garapati (Web Developer)
- Erik Smith (Web Developer)
- Timothy Jenkins (Web Developer)
- Rikin Patel (Web Developer)
- Russ Zhurba (Web Developer)
- Joe Bader (Web Developer)
- Bryan Elliot (Web Developer)
- Filipe Araujo (Web Developer)
- Paul Bronshteyn (Web Developer)
- Christopher "Chris" Ell (Systems Engineer)
- Sabina Fletcher (UX Lead)
- Or Leviteh (UX)
- Stefan Backhaus (UX)
- Tanya Brandona (UX)
- Stefan Legazpi (UX)
- Matthew McGlynn (Two Factor Authentication)
- Sunitha Musuku (QA Lead)
- Dheepanchakravarthi (Dheepan) Yuvaraja (QA)
- Subha Devi Shunmugavelu (QA)
- Ashwin Jain (QA)
Co-Workers at JP Morgan Chase
- Robie Chindlers (Boss)
- John "Rick" Bromwell (front-end web developer)
- Jalal "Jay" (front-end web developer)
- Valentin Sigalov (front-end web developer)
- Radhika Shinde (front-end web developer)
- Gian Sagun (back-end)
- Harun (back-end)
- Karan (back-end)
- Lisa Grizzle (manager)
- Katrina Keating (manager)
- Cory Cooper (manager)
- Gunny Lee (user design)
- John (manager)
Co-Workers at Comcast (second time)
- Steven Hartley - boss
- Joseph (Joe) Harris - Environment Management Configuration Management
- Victor Feinman - Solution Architect
- Christine Martino - UI Architect
- Lisa Lee - Scrum master
- Oishika Vaid - App fixes / delivery for Online / and Quality
- Pradeep Biswal
- Ian McPhail
- Lars Bredahl - Product Owner
- Prashanth Allam - Back-End Architect
- Siraz Zaman - Data Tracking
- Shanmugavel Chinnathambi
- Prasanna Govindarajan
- Karthikeyan Kannan
- Jennifer Meyers - Product Owner
- SaiEshwari (Sai) Prathikantam - CARE systems
- Jesse Harrold - Junior Front-End Web Developer (Soundgarden)
- Jinzhu Dang - QA
- Christopher Cruz - QA
- Ruiting Shao - Invision access
- Ankur Jain - we both work at IntePros
- Nagendra Kondrapu (Nag for short, pronounced Nog) - App fixes / delivery for Online / and Quality
- Dave Ferello - Lead UX for MyAccount
- Emma Chirapongse - Senior FE Dev
- Tracy Oxner - Scrum Master (Linkin Park)
- Bruce Stenberg - Product Owner (Linkin Park)
- Christopher (Chris) Cruz - QA (Linkin Park)
- Leninkumar (Lenin) Mohan - QA (Linkin Park)
- John Savath - QA (Linkin Park)
- Ilusha (Lush) Sleutsky - FE (Linkin Park)
- Max Platt - FE (Linkin Park)
- Williandy (Willy) Mintarja - FE (Linkin Park)
- Dhanabal Samiappan - BE (Linkin Park)
- Surendra Karanam - BE (Linkin Park)
- Neha Agarwal - UX designer (Think Company)
- Samantha (Sam) Salvisburg - UX designer (Think Company)
- Josh Kubat - (Think Company)
- Eric Reinert
- Andrew DeLisa - developer (Nirvana)
- Nora Humpage (Nirvana)
- Prashanth Alam (Nirvana)
- Gaurav Bhushan (Nirvana)
- Karthikeyan Kannan (Nirvana)
- Vikneshkumar Jayakumar (Nirvana) (Contractor off-shore)
- Sivaji Nalamothu - temporary full-stack (Nirvana)
- Ah-shoke (Nirvana)
- Daniel Haddigan FE (Nirvana)
- Justin Peck - junior FE (Nirvana)
- Dominique Clarke (Lynyrd Skynyrd)
- Prasanna Govendarajan (Lynyrd Skynyrd)
- Doris Lynn (Lynyrd Skynyrd)
- Rob Mayo (Lynyrd Skynyrd)
Co-Workers at Nulia
- Arthur Goikhman - boss (Bell Works)
- Orchun Koroglu - designer UX/UI and PM (Bell Works)
- Ross - junior front-end web-developer (Bell Works)
- Josh Vaughan - senior back-end developer (Bell Works)
- Joeseph Prezioso - junior back-end developer (Bell Works)
- Rob Wineriter - tech support
- Keith Hamm - senior front-end web-developer (Oregon)
- Matt Sidor - senior front-end web-developer (Oregon)
- Sam Svindland - Quality Assurance Engineer (Oregon)
- Mike Hicks - backend (Oregon)
- Steve Ransom (Oregon)
- Cary Torkelson - CTO (Oregon)
- Josh Clark - UI/Designer (Oregon)
- Kat Pinto (Oregon)
- Vance Patterson - QA (Oregon)
- Evan Teitelbaum (
- Daniel Russo (
Co-Workers at North American Bancard
- Davis Ford (boss and front/back end)
- Nicole Helgeson (program manager)
- Bradley Gore (front/back end)
- Justin Gow (front end)
- Shaun Willis (front end)
- Shayna Broughman (front end)
- Andrew Lenart (front end)
- Jordan Jefferson (front end)
- Aditya Gautam (front end)
- Nik Kotenberg (back end)
- Eduard Smetanin (back end)
- Mauricio Navarro (back end)
- Hideki Yoshino (back end)
- Oleg Klementlev (back end)
- Mike Wood (product manager)
- Elena Last (tester)
Co-workers at ShopRite
- Todd - musician/rapper, I gave him rides home sometimes. He rode to work on a scooter since he lived nearby
- Z - pronounced Zee. Nickname. When I asked him how he spells his name, he simply said "Z".
- John - super nice guy, very helpful, very honest
- Don - supervisor, not so nice
- Charlie - supervisor, very nice guy
- Krystle - only woman on the crew
- Steven - nice guy, I gave him rides home sometimes
- Armando - nice guy, worked double-shifts, very hard working
- Mr. Wheeler - supervisor
Other Walmart Spark drivers
- Frank - super friendly guy who liked to socialize
- Bates - another friendly guy who liked to talk to other drivers
- Lois - friendly
- Pete - always liked to ask me questions and give advice
- Mike - angry driver. Not so friendly but always willing to talk.
e-Friends - these are people that interact with in cyberspace but not in meat-space
- Jason Overland - e-met at around age 10 while working at Prodigy. He joined my SimCity 2000 club and
participated in my contests and was quite active on the list-services and BBS' for a little squirt. As
of 2022 he's like 36. We actually met once on a visit to Seattle.
- Jerry Moore - e-met while into SimCity 2000. I met Jerry when I moved to California.
- Peter Naughton - e-met while into SimCity 2000
- Lizzy Ele - e-met while into SimCity 2000. Ran ClubMax. Like Jason Overland, also very young. Would be
about 18 as of 2003.
- Bridget Samuels - e-met while into SimCity 2000. Took over ClubMax from Lizzy Ele
- Sandy King - e-met while into SimCity 2000
- Lisa L. Powell - e-met on American Singles. Lives in Alaska. Changed her e-mail address and didn't tell
me what it was.
- Wren Weburg - e-met while working on SimCity 2000 web page. He worked at Maxis and gave me space on his
web server for my first web site.
- Anggraini Ali Rifai - aka Angie Ali Rifai and Anggie Ali Rifai (Girlfriend) - e-met
via ICQ. She contacted me randomly July 2003. She lives in Jakarta Indonesia. We met in Singapore.
- Dian Andreti - friend of Angie's in Jakarta Indonesia. We met in Jakarta Indonesia.
- Luciana Siregar - aka Lucy Siregar. Lives in Jakarta Indonesia - met on Friendster.
We met in Jakarta Indonesia.
Bike Shop Owners
- Harry - Ridgedale, East Hanover NJ (1975-1978)
- Bill McDermott - Roseland Cycle, Roseland NJ, sponsored Blue Devils (1978-1979)
- Marvin Silvergold - Wheeler Dealer, Matawan NJ (1979-1986)
- John Dertinger - Suspension Warehouse, Seattle WA (1997)
Friends in California (2009)
- Val Hultslander - friend from blind/deaf church
- Bog Hultslander - friend from blind/deaf church
- Renee Jensen - adopted sister for a while (about 1965-1967)
- Stanley Rolle - tenent who lived in our basement (1968)
- Sylvia Meyers - Stanley Rolle's girlfriend (1968)
- Marvin Robinson - fresh-air kid (1972)
- Pepe Hampton - fresh-air kid - son of Jean Hampton (1972)
- Jean Hampton - mother of Pepe Hampton (1972)
- Kris Grant - my art teacher (grease painting) (1975)
- ??? Grant - Kris Grant's daughter (1975)
- UnknownX foreign students (1980)
- Randy Reynolds - co-worker at Jack in the Box (1983)
- Dale - boss at Jack in the Box (1983)
- Chris Eddy - friend of my coustin Athena. The three of us would go see a movie at the drive-in every
weekend (1983)
- Unknown888 - female receptionist/co-worker at University Graphics - went on one date (bowling) (1984)
- Unknown983 - friend of Cathy Glaser, lived in Long Island, rented movies Clockstoppers and Bananas with
her (1986)
- Mike Breslin - husband of Linda Myers (aka Linda Breslin) (1991)
- Selwyn Chan - brother of Cedrick Chan (1993)
- Unknown - college friend of Judith Bruk who lived in New York City (1993)
- Randair - boss at Device Guys (1995)
- Greg Drusjack - bought my 1987 Nissan Pathfinder (2000)
- Beverly - Women I met on the Internet (had one date) (2002)
- Caroline Holten - women I met on the Internet (had a few dates) (2003)
- Scott Sehon - friend of Dave Bronfenbrenner. My family hosted their first night on their run across America (2003)
- Dave Bronfenbrenner - friend of Scott Sehon. My family hosted their first night on their run across America (2003)
- Margaret Coston - mom
- Walter Coston - dad
- Kimberly (Coston) Miles - sister
- Larry Gattshall - uncle
- Carolyn Gattshall - aunt
- Jean Coston - uncle
- Sylvia R (Porter) Coston - Jean's 2nd wife
- Genie (Dugdale) [Johnston] Coston - Jean's 3rd wife
- Eras Gattshall - cousin
- Athena Gattshall - cousin
- Jim Humphrey - grandfather
- Rena Humphrey - grandmother
- Chauncey Coston - grandfather
- Thelma Coston - grandmother
- Ina Marsh - maid for grandparent Coston's
- Russell Bean - great uncle
- Gertrude (Spoon) Bean - great aunt
- Shane Miles - nephew (Tony Miles and sisters daughter)
- Carrie Miles - niece (Tony Miles daughter)
- Heather Miles - niece (Tony Miles daughter)
- Joelle Hayes - niece (John Hayes and sister's daughter)
- John Hayes - ex-husband of my sister
- Sheronda Hayes - sister of John Hayes
- Dawn Hayes - sister of John Hayes
- "Mom" Hayes - mother of Sheronda and Dawn
Friends of the Family
- Boise Family (lived near Nabisco in East Hanover)
- John Boise (dad)
- Charlette Boise (mom)
- John Boise (son)
- Cathy Boise (daughter)
- Card Family (East Hanover)
- Peggy Card (Mom)
- Harold Card (Dad)
- Laurel Card (aka Laurel Lane)
- Daniel Lane - son of Laurel Card
- Michael Lane - son of Laurel Card
- Joshua Card
- Chris Card
- Heather Card
- Chandra Card
- Sauro Family (East Hanover)
- Louella Sauro (Mom) (aka Wellie Sauro)
- Frank Sauro (Dad)
- Beth Sauro
- Danny Sauro (aka Dan Sauro, Daniel Sauro)
- French Family
- Sharon French (Mom)
- David French (Dad)
- Dannie French
- Peggy French
- Foulkes Family (East Hanover)
- (Mom)
- (Dad)
- Guy Foulkes
- Eric Foulkes
- Heather Foulkes
- Gary Foulkes
- other brother older than Eric but younger than Guy?
- Subermanian Family (Holmdel)
- Gonzales Family (Holmdel)
- (Mom)
- (Dad)
- Ben
- Anthony - died of suicide from his dad's gun
- Lantier Family (Holmdel)
- Dottie Lantier
- Ruth Lantier
- Decamp Family (East Hanover)
- Nielsen Family (Sweden)
- Boel Nielsen (aka Boel Landgren and Boel Landgren-Nielsen - exchange student from Sweden
- Michael Nielsen - husband of Boel
- Freja Nielsen - older daughter of Boel and Michael
- Signe Nielsen - younger daughter of Boel and Michael