Stephen King: Tropes

Stephen King: Sorted

I bought all Stephen King novels, novellas and collections of short-stories as eBooks,
then converted them to text files.  I removed all but the story from each,
then combined them into a single text file.  I then split each sentence onto its own line,
then sorted it alphabetically.  You can see the full list here.

Below are some of the highlights:

A moment later
A moment later Barkovitch began to scream a flood of profanity at the boy next to him, a squat, ugly boy with the unfortunate name of Rank.
A moment later Ben was beside him.
A moment later Ben was hit by Moose Sadler and driven to his knees.
A moment later Benny came pelting forward with the rope wrapped in his fists and his hair flying out behind him.
A moment later Bethany's pallid, terrified face appeared in the doorway and Nick let his hands relax.
A moment later Betty was whispering in his ear, her breath warm and redolent of Juicy Fruit gun: "Lover, you do me any old time.
A moment later Bev's head butted Richie's ass.
A moment later Beverly heard someone speak-but she knew that had to be her imagination.
A moment later Bill heard echoing footfalls and realized that Norman was inside the building which the black woman had called a temple.
A moment later Bradley also slid in.
A moment later Curt came running out with his hand over his mouth.
A moment later Dan rapped, "There he is, there!
A moment later Deke raised his head, looked around groggily, and opened his mouth.
A moment later Dinah was looking up at her-except she's not really looking, Laurel thought, she can't really look at all-with her bare feet splayed out behind her on the orange slide.
A moment later Dorgan was on.
A moment later Dr. Handor was feeling Eddie's broken arm.
A moment later Eddie joined him on his left, Jake on his right.
A moment later Eddie realized he needn't have worried; in sizing up his audience, Roland was as shrewd as ever.
A moment later Gasher had his arm around Jake's neck.
A moment later Hap turned away, dragging the driver by the armpits.
A moment later Henry Bowers was on top of him, his knees pinning Eddie's arms, his butt on Eddie's stomach.
A moment later I saw that it was not just the left side; the cab had struck an angle of the pedestal hard enough to tear it in two.
A moment later I was aware of fresh blood seeping through the lower part of her dress ... and of movement there.
A moment later I was lying on a jagged bed of bones and staring into Adriana Eastlake Paulson's eternal grin.
A moment later I'm sneezing from the disturbed dust under my bed.
A moment later JEFF claps his hands on his father's shoulders.
A moment later Jake's hand crept into Eddie's left.
A moment later Johnny was with her and she saw with weak gladness that it really was Johnny and not the composed, mannequinlike figure that had watched the Wheel on its last spin.
A moment later Lloyd was lifted out of his chair by the front of his shirt.
A moment later Louis saw his wife rubbing her palm on one silk-clad thigh, the way you sometimes do when you feel you might have touched something nasty or germy.
A moment later Mike and Scramm did an abrupt about-face and began to walk toward the crowd, which, sensing the sharp tang of fatality about them, shrieked, unclotted, and backed away from them as if they had the plague.
A moment later Morgan Sloat was gripping the handle of the door of Thayer School's little theater, opening his own eyes, and planning his trip back to the west coast.
A moment later Mrs. Kelly's jaw dropped and her eyes widened as Miss Stansfield, her hands locked together as tightly as links in a steel chain, so tightly she left bruises on herself (they were fading but still perfectly visible when I saw her on September 1st), began to "locomotive" between her clenched teeth.
A moment later Oy joined his voice to hers, barking wildly.
A moment later Pete heard a scaly scraping sound as something slithered on the tin roof.
A moment later Peter Gordon slammed into the chainlink, and a moment after that, Victor Criss ran up beside him.
A moment later Popsy peeled the entire driver's-side door out of its frame, the hinges now bright twists of meaningless metal.
A moment later Rachel joined them, also weeping, crying out to Gage, "Never run in the road, Gage!
A moment later Randy was in the air.
A moment later Sheila's voice was in his ear, quizzical, wary, a little frightened: "Hello?
A moment later Smokey's thin, powerful fingers bit into Jack's shoulder-hunting for the most painful place and, as always, finding it.
A moment later Thomas was screaming and beating the air above his head as he blundered blindly back toward the tiny door.
A moment later Wendy began to cry.
A moment later Wesley was following as she headed east toward Hopson.
A moment later Zalia Jaffords was doing the same, mimicking him step for step.
A moment later a cock crowed irritably.
A moment later a dark shape humped against the edge of the cut, head and shoulders blotting out the stars.
A moment later a face appeared.
A moment later a hand swatted his back so hard he almost fell over.
A moment later a heavy grinding sound began and new light-the harsh glow of orange arc-sodiums-flooded down on them.
A moment later a hellish warbling sound filled the night, heading toward him from the south.
A moment later a hoarse voice cried, "Shut up, Fred!
A moment later a huge, crumping explosion shook the street.
A moment later a large, dun-colored sun umbrella popped up.
A moment later a loud, crumping roar shook the earth.
A moment later a low burring began to come from the console, a sound that was being repeated all over the Shop compound.
A moment later a shredded hand with a moss-caked Yarmouth Academy class ring on one finger rose out of the ground, shoving through the tough grass.
A moment later a thread wrapped around the upper handle of the racket and it was jerked into the mist.
A moment later a trapdoor flopped open like the hatch of a submarine.
A moment later a weak glow lit their faces; the boy had hooked a small lightbulb to an old cracked car battery.
A moment later a young woman named Emma was explaining the really extraordinary savings Lisey could enjoy by switching to MCI.
A moment later all that was left in front of the garage was a blowing fur coat.
A moment later an air horn blatted and an Orinco truck roared past close enough to make his pants and jacket flap.
A moment later an old black car backed into sight, paused at the head of the driveway, and then turned out onto the road and started away toward town.
A moment later and he was dead.
A moment later and the balcony was gone, too, falling like a stone and hitting the seats below with a tremendous crash.
A moment later and they were both running back along the path toward the place where they had stepped onto it.
A moment later and they were gone.
A moment later and things began to run backward.
A moment later another of the terrified cow-sheep struck him and bore him under again.
A moment later another punched him in the calf.
A moment later another pylon went, and another, and another.
A moment later blood began to drip from it.
A moment later both of them had their heads under the trough, Teddy still pumping away a mile a minute.
A moment later both vehicles were dead in the middle of the road, tangled together like some weird sculpture.
A moment later everything was gone-the creature which had identified itself to Ed as the Crimson King, the kitchen in the old house on Richmond Street, his mother's rocking chair.
A moment later fans whirred into life-he supposed the newly started engine was driving them.
A moment later green drapes were jerked across the windows.
A moment later he also floated belly-up.
A moment later he and Lois passed under the arch and simply stood there, staring into Atropos's underground apartment.
A moment later he and Wolf were standing firmly, not on hard bathroom tile but on dirt.
A moment later he asked, "Is Danny happy, do you think?
A moment later he became aware that he had an erection.
A moment later he became fully aware of the cellar's fetid aroma-a smell like rotting tomatoes.
A moment later he began to edge forward again.
A moment later he began to shriek.
A moment later he could hear another grunt of effort and a muffled cry from Johnny as he came down.
A moment later he could see again-sort of, anyway.
A moment later he dips slightly at the knees, as if meaning to pick up the briefcase, then seems to decide he can do without it.
A moment later he discovered-to his great amazement and even greater delight-that he didn't have to.
A moment later he felt her hand seize his arm in a painful pincers grip above the elbow and knew that no explanation was necessary.
A moment later he felt her tongue for the first time, and he met it with his own.
A moment later he felt his arm twisted up to his shoulder blades.
A moment later he got his first clear glimpse of the person climbing the hill.
A moment later he had reholstered the gun.
A moment later he heard the final dreadful smash as it landed on the road behind them.
A moment later he hears the alarming sound of an oncoming car.
A moment later he landed beside her with a solid whap!
A moment later he lifted his face-a face that was gray-brown under the dirt, dust, and bits of moss that the bird's wind-machine wings had blown at him-toward the clicking sound of its talons on the tile.
A moment later he looked up again as the crowd gave themselves a thunderous round of applause.
A moment later he passed the picture to Bill.
A moment later he poked his head out the maroon-stained hole in the side of the trailer, a big grin on his face.
A moment later he realized he also recognized Burt Iverson, Junction City's most prosperous lawyer, and Elmer Baskin, the banker who hadn't gotten to his Rotary speech but who had called later to congratulate him just the same.
A moment later he realized it was a man.
A moment later he realized it was probably "atomic.
A moment later he returned with a dull pencil and a notepad.
A moment later he saw the Honda's headlamp flashing in and out between the trees that lined the climbing sweep of the drive.
A moment later he saw the concrete edge materialize out of the fog.
A moment later he saw the sun twinkling off glass and chrome in Hugh's driveway and his nerves cranked up until they were humming like telephone wires in a gale.
A moment later he sees his son's dear, grinning face and mop of yellow hair.
A moment later he set off after it.
A moment later he stamped on the brake and brought the Odyssey to a scrunching halt that sent Barbie and Julia sliding into the back of the rear seat.
A moment later he stood upon the naked headland.
A moment later he vomited down the front of his shirt.
A moment later he was driving down Second Avenue-fast.
A moment later he was gone over the hill, trailing one farewell honk.
A moment later he was gone, leaving Susannah and Oy alone on the most vital and vibrant streetcorner in the entire universe.
A moment later he was gone, to resume his evening's patrol.
A moment later he was gone.
A moment later he was gone.
A moment later he was gone.
A moment later he was half led, half dragged onstage.
A moment later he was heaving for breath, as if most of the air had suddenly been pushed out of the gully the flash flood had cut.
A moment later he was in full flight, running for the rock wall at the end of Far Field, running in big gangling storklike strides.
A moment later he was kneeling in front of her, the back of his head and the naked nape of his neck exposed and vulnerable.
A moment later he was on both knees.
A moment later he was on the ground, staring up at the white face and smiling red lips.
A moment later he was on top of her.
A moment later he was out, and hugging her roughly as her tears broke.
A moment later he was put on hold, Stacey not bothering to inform him.
A moment later he was ridden down.
A moment later he was sitting on Rusty's chest, grinning down at him.
A moment later he was slurping it up enthusiastically.
A moment later he was speaking to Big Jim again.
A moment later he was standing on the bottom, wagging his tail and barking amiably up at Stu.
A moment later he was standing on the ledge outside the window.
A moment later he was talking to Al Steinowitz, who was nearing the Slumberland Motel.
A moment later he was talking to Franky Williams.
A moment later he was wolfing it, not noticing the few bits of sand which ground between his teeth.
A moment later he was yanking at the leash Huddie was holding, still howling, still trying in a crazy, reluctant way to get inside.
A moment later he wheeled out.
A moment later he whirled and sprayed the mouthful he had taken onto the floor.
A moment later he yanked the hose free and dropped it to the cement, where the nozzle-ring clanged dully.
A moment later he's looking down at himself.
A moment later he's on the sunny sidewalk.
A moment later he's talking to Doc Amberson.
A moment later he's talking to Jack, who of course agrees to come at once.
A moment later he-it-was on the porch, grinning at us like De Ole Family Retainer, and then, with no pause, he-it-was at the bottom of the steps, and once more darting into the weeds, grinning at us all the time.
A moment later her cry rose in the night again, light and yet somehow awful:
A moment later her father passed, hollering at her, and Lars, who was then three and who would die twelve years later in a motorcycle accident, saw something terrible and inhuman in Mr. Marsh's face.
A moment later her hand closed over her sneaker and she pulled it out.
A moment later her shaking hands were scrabbling at his fly.
A moment later his arms dropped to his sides.
A moment later his eyes appeared over the top, studying Richie.
A moment later his eyes opened and looked up at them: Johnny, Steve, Cynthia, his father.
A moment later his feet were gone, too.
A moment later his fingers slipped into a short groove on the underside of the plate.
A moment later his head began to jerk from side to side.
A moment later his mother's phone was ringing.
A moment later his upper teeth descended like a drop-gate and sheared the tip of his wagging tongue.
A moment later his wails were drowned by the roar of the passing truck and the almost regal blat of its air horn.
A moment later in this world, Scott Landon will simply shiver on the pavement and die.
A moment later it began to hiss and turn white.
A moment later it began to smoke and melt.
A moment later it burrowed into the hole it had made, the white human face disappearing while Mia's was obliterated by the dust boiling out of her deflating head.
A moment later it died altogether.
A moment later it flashes white again, and a message appears: WELCOME TO ZAPPIT!
A moment later it had become transparent and Jack saw-
A moment later it pulled as bitterly tight as a hangman's noose.
A moment later it pulled out onto Broadway and turned east.
A moment later it was gone completely.
A moment later it was gone.
A moment later it was gone.
A moment later it was gone.
A moment later it was gone.
A moment later it was in the driveway, almost directly in front of us.
A moment later it was joined by an eyelash of light.
A moment later it was out and pointed at ... a cat.
A moment later it went skittering and cartwheeling down the limestone slope, already dying.
A moment later my control was gone.
A moment later one of the windows on the right side of the building shattered outward and women began to hurl themselves through the hole, tumbling on the lawn like large rag dolls which had learned how to vomit.
A moment later she began to make water and sighed contentedly.
A moment later she bent her head down and regurgitated the waste-a twisted mass of fur and splintered bones.
A moment later she came in.
A moment later she could hear the steady beat of the helicopter's rotors, and a moment after that she could see two men seated in the Perspex bubble.
A moment later she felt a zipper, and a moment after that she felt the strap.
A moment later she found herself shaking so badly she had to hand the picture to Trent, or she would have dropped it herself.
A moment later she had realized how mad the idea was.
A moment later she heard Patrick roar with mixed laughter and pain.
A moment later she heard him heading off the way Victor and Belch had gone.
A moment later she heard the enthusiastic, horselike sound of a young man voiding an awesomely healthy bladder.
A moment later she heard wet gargling sounds coming from the bedroom.
A moment later she held the bare canvas in her hands.
A moment later she is pretty much obliterated-broken neck, broken left shoulder, four broken ribs-as Doc stage-dives onto her and drives her to the ground.
A moment later she realized her sister was trying to laugh without being overheard by Amanda, who was God knew where in the house.
A moment later she realized this wasn't actually the case.
A moment later she realized why: the girl was cataclysmically stoned.
A moment later she saw a pair of bare moon-silvery legs come to a stop before her.
A moment later she saw it, a high yellow monster, pushing a mound of wet earth in front of the blade.
A moment later she was guiding the big silver car down the driveway.
A moment later she was pulling me to my feet.
A moment later she was rolling toward the ancient trees on the north side of the road.
A moment later she was scooting up to the driveway of the house and turning in.
A moment later she was shoved rudely aside as Mia came forward.
A moment later she was sitting on the ground with her thighs folded beneath her.
A moment later she was sobbing into her hands.
A moment later she's looking down at him, a lock of her hair tumbled over one of her eyes.
A moment later something else collapsed: Andy.
A moment later that sound-the sound of the nail clipping lightly against the porcelain as the questing finger twisted and turned-began again.
A moment later that was also gone and the sky was empty ... as if no plane had ever been there at all.
A moment later the Black Forest cuckoo clock fell.
A moment later the Major was gone again.
A moment later the Olds exploded with three payments still due on it.
A moment later the Werewolf's face filled the cellar window.
A moment later the alarm cut off in mid-blat.
A moment later the alarming idea that he might be broadcasting his thoughts on his aura came to him, and he slammed the door on the picture at once.
A moment later the bear was hanging upside down over her open, waiting mouth.
A moment later the blond man copied him.
A moment later the boy's hands were in his coat pocket, digging for Homer McCaslin's pistol.
A moment later the brownish ribbons encountered the plexi face-shield and spread over it with an unpleasant wet smooching sound.
A moment later the butcher knife descended, all whicker-snicker and chrome-white, slicker-slicing through the stubbly right cheek.
A moment later the car was running.
A moment later the cash register function is back up, complete with all four credit card icons.
A moment later the chef was on the floor, all six and a half feet of him.
A moment later the chrome faucet just over the bucket twisted twice, spun like a propeller, and then blew off the pipe jutting from the wall.
A moment later the cloud was gone.
A moment later the connection had broken down completely.
A moment later the curb to their left was rolling backward.
A moment later the dirty clothes in the hamper begin to burn spontaneously.
A moment later the door opened and Beaver came in.
A moment later the driver got out and stood in the unseasonably hot daylight, removing his sunglasses and tucking them into the V of his shirt as he looked around in leisurely, contemptuous fashion.
A moment later the engine of his van roared, settled into a ragged idle, and then dropped to a working pitch as he threw it in gear.
A moment later the engine roared into life.
A moment later the entire Oatley Tap blew sky-high, and before the fire-trucks could arrive from Dogtown and Elmira, most of downtown was in flames.
A moment later the eyes themselves, already filming over, exploded, and a black, steaming ichor ran over his hand and wrist.
A moment later the first dinosaur came out of the jungle (the mighty jungle), and walked into the clearing.
A moment later the five of them were looking inside.
A moment later the fragments humped up and became the creature's twisted, bony back.
A moment later the freeze turned to fire.
A moment later the front page of The New York Times appeared.
A moment later the garage whispered with the sound of the blowers.
A moment later the green parasol of flame began to form.
A moment later the group around Thorin was laughing, Susan included.
A moment later the head simply explodes, spattering them all with its gore.
A moment later the headlights reappeared, closer than ever.
A moment later the kid's fingers were clawing into his face, pulling open his cheek.
A moment later the light came on.
A moment later the newest arrivals began laying down a heavy pattern of covering fire, making him duck again.
A moment later the one wearing sunglasses bounced up from behind the hood, his service revolver held in both hands, and fired three times.
A moment later the other window exploded.
A moment later the overhead light went on.
A moment later the paper disappeared back into the desk drawer.
A moment later the rain was sheeting down so thickly that the valley was only a sketched ghost wrapped in gray gauze.
A moment later the redheaded boy's face was blown away.
A moment later the screen went slate-gray, and a series of numbers flashed up: 8 ... 7 ... 6 ... 5 ... 4 ... 3 ... 2 ... X.
A moment later the second tanker blew up.
A moment later the storm smote them again.
A moment later the street was flooded with white light.
A moment later the sun peeked out again, and Pete Simmons was swallowed up by the restaurant's shadow.
A moment later the tan Ford roared out of the parking lot, spewing white crushed gravel out from beneath its rear tires.
A moment later the teeth were gone.
A moment later the temperature outside the bus pops to eight hundred degrees and he is burned off his perch like a fleck of meat off a hot barbecue grill.
A moment later the tentacle was a tire again, but the cigarette wrapper was sticking out of it like something half swallowed.
A moment later the top blew off the juke.
A moment later the tray itself flipped over twice, spraying chunks of burning wood, and clanged off the wall hard enough to leave a dimple in the sheet steel.
A moment later the two of them were gone.
A moment later the upward pressure on her arm finally loosened.
A moment later the violet beam of light disappeared.
A moment later the window was empty except for the rain.
A moment later the windshield blew in, splattering them both with bits of safety glass.
A moment later there was a crunch as she hit the embankment for the third time.
A moment later there was a heavy crunch.
A moment later there was a heavy thudding sound and what might have been a muffled cry of pain.
A moment later there was a high-gain crackle of static and everything shorted out-feedback hum, upstairs chatter, idling engines out front.
A moment later there was a soft, indrawn whistle and a narrow ray of the woman's aura poked out from behind her neck.
A moment later there was a thud.
A moment later there were running footsteps on the stairs.
A moment later they climbed the bank, slipping and stumbling on the slick wet earth, which was already honeycombed with little running streamlets, holding onto branches to stay upright.
A moment later they did, although now I could hear a hoarse, uneven note in the gennie's roar and the flicker of the lights was much more noticeable.
A moment later they left her in blessed silence except for the faint music drifting down from the overhead speakers.
A moment later they passed the Desert Rose Cafe.
A moment later they were all diving off the stick-houses, going into the water in unison.
A moment later they were back on the road.
A moment later they were both inside again, with the door closed against Alan Pangborn-and the dark through which he would make his long trip home.
A moment later they were headed for town.
A moment later they were lost in a screen of willows.
A moment later they were lurching through the turnstile, Jordan on one side of the Head and Clay on the other, the two of them almost carrying the old man along.
A moment later they were on Sam's wrists.
A moment later they were on the road, pointed back toward Sidewinder.
A moment later they were peeling Jack's hand away from the small of his back.
A moment later they were racing south along narrow patched blacktop with no centerline.
A moment later they were rolling up Asher Avenue at a good pace.
A moment later they were skirting the west side of the hotel.
A moment later three more guys had pulled in, three of Washington County's finest crammed shoulder to shoulders in the cab of a 1940 Dodge pickup.
A moment later two men and a woman emerged through the door which led to the rest of the Grays' warren.
A moment later we were around the corner and gone.
A moment later we were in.
A moment later, Anna cried: "Push, my Queen!
A moment later, Baker returned with a big keyring, unlocked the holding cell, and pushed it back on its track.
A moment later, Bobby's back on the phone.
A moment later, Clay sat down next to Tom and Jordan resumed his usual spot next to the Head.
A moment later, Crew-Neck's nose was caught firmly between the first and second fingers of Nick's right hand.
A moment later, Gardener had applied the Zippo's flame to the webbing at the base of the V they had created.
A moment later, Linda's arms were around him.
A moment later, Lois was doing just that.
A moment later, Lois's half also disappeared.
A moment later, Margaret was pounding on the door.
A moment later, Melinda was there with her young man standing behind her (and above her-he was one long, tall helicopter).
A moment later, O praise God and all His holy Saints, the voice of Alan Pangborn said, "Hello?
A moment later, Olive walks right past her, large soda cradled in her arms, nose in the air, giggling with a pack of girls Gwendy recognizes from a neighboring high school.
A moment later, Pete crawled out from under.
A moment later, Peter followed.
A moment later, Roland began to yell.
A moment later, Rose was on, her composure once more firmly in place.
A moment later, Sally heard the rattle of crockery.
A moment later, Ted Brautigan, Dinky Earnshaw, and Sheemie Ruiz appeared.
A moment later, Ted let go of Stanley and turned to Roland.
A moment later, Tick-Tock's face filled his field of vision.
A moment later, a big yellow spark, surely dangerous in that room filled with dry cotton napkins, flared in the gloom.
A moment later, a bright red line appeared on the rectangle, squiggling across its surface.
A moment later, a hand touched his shoulder.
A moment later, a man in a blue uniform trotted out into the road and laid an electric bullhorn down.
A moment later, a soft wind pushed against his face, shoving his shaggy hair back from his brow.
A moment later, a storm of bricks had engulfed the car.
A moment later, a third derrick-this one sixty full yards away from the first two-exploded with a dragon's roar.
A moment later, a titanic explosion hammers a hole straight through the center of the day.
A moment later, a wide strip of the marble floor began to pull slowly back, revealing a long lighted slot below.
A moment later, almost surprised, Jack began to cry as well.
A moment later, another cruiser shot across Main.
A moment later, as if to ram the truth of it home, to make it utterly and exactly clear, someone screamed.
A moment later, blood burst from his nose in an amazing flood.
A moment later, both men were rolling on the ground.
A moment later, everything was normal again.
A moment later, faintly, they heard the sound of music: "Hey Jude," arranged for elevator and supermarket.
A moment later, he and his children were gone.
A moment later, he feels the bony fingers grip the right cheek of his bottom.
A moment later, he has entered the Daisy wing men's room and is hotfooting it toward one of the stalls.
A moment later, he pulled the sewing scissors free.
A moment later, he was looking at a blank email form.
A moment later, her rear paws were digging for purchase.
A moment later, lights bloomed on the highway.
A moment later, she ran her tongue out and tried to catch a flake of snow.
A moment later, she was outside, blinking in the sunlight.
A moment later, the apron-or what remained of it-disintegrated.
A moment later, the barrel was back under the hoodlum's chin.
A moment later, the bumbler was asleep again.
A moment later, the clench subsided.
A moment later, the closing of her bedroom door muted the stormy sound of her grief and hurt.
A moment later, the door opened.
A moment later, the gate-arm swung up and Blaze drove into the lot.
A moment later, the green parasol spread its delicate web over the yard again.
A moment later, the holes running along the bright flank of the tanker began to shimmer.
A moment later, the jackal's entire head exploded in a soundless shardless flash of light.
A moment later, the light up there was extinguished.
A moment later, the rippling twack of canvas first merged with the blat of the power-mower, then disappeared.
A moment later, the route-map itself exploded from its socket, revealing twinkling lights and a maze of circuit-boards behind it.
A moment later, the short, stiff branches of the hedge began to rustle.
A moment later, the white car lost its shape and clenched itself like a fist.
A moment later, the windows and gutters were rattling and pinging with hail.
A moment later, they are rolling up the lane.
A moment later, while he was only beginning to switch from gas to brake, he felt something thump sickeningly under the front and then the back wheels.
Am I ...
Am I a demon?
Am I a gunslinger yet?
Am I a mind-reader?
Am I a niece now?
Am I a suspect, Constable?
Am I alive?
Am I alive?
Am I all right?
Am I being a nag yet?
Am I being arrested?
Am I close?
Am I coming with you?
Am I coming, Daddy?
Am I cooking with gas, as we used to say?
Am I crazy, then?
Am I crazy?
Am I disappointed?
Am I doing all right?
Am I doing it?
Am I dreaming this?
Am I dreaming?
Am I embarrassing you?
Am I fired?
Am I free, Sam?
Am I getting through to you at all, Garraty?
Am I giving you the drift, Ray?
Am I glad to see you!
Am I going crazy?
Am I going crazy?
Am I going to be in a wheelchair?
Am I going to burn myself up?
Am I going to burn to pieces?
Am I going to buy a yacht, Halleck?
Am I going to die?
Am I going to find out?
Am I going to have a miscarriage?
Am I going to have any trouble with you, big boy?
Am I going to have to bust down the gate?
Am I going to see you again?
Am I gonna be amazed?
Am I gonna get cash slips?
Am I gonna get out of here, Bets?
Am I handling this right, Bunter?
Am I hit?
Am I hungry!
Am I imagining it?
Am I in the hospital again?
Am I in trouble for using that?
Am I in trouble, sir?
Am I in trouble?
Am I insane yet?
Am I interrupting?
Am I jealous?
Am I just going to go to sleep and let him get away?
Am I keeping you from something important, Freddi?
Am I keeping you up, Janice?
Am I late?
Am I livin?
Am I looking at my computer right now?
Am I losing my mind?
Am I lyin or am I dyin?
Am I mad?
Am I meant to cross that?
Am I missing something here, Sandy?
Am I missing the point, Arnie?
Am I not Wolf Frightener?
Am I not your honey?
Am I on a roll this morning, or what?
Am I paralyzed?
Am I paralyzed?
Am I paralyzed?
Am I really better?
Am I really clean?
Am I really free of her?
Am I really scared?
Am I really seeing that?
Am I really stinko?
Am I really?
Am I right about that?
Am I right about that?
Am I right or am I right with Eversharp?
Am I right or am I right?
Am I right, Mr. Hallorann?
Am I right, boys?
Am I right?
Am I right?
Am I right?
Am I right?
Am I right?
Am I right?
Am I right?
Am I right?
Am I right?
Am I right?
Am I right?
Am I right?
Am I right?
Am I right?
Am I right?
Am I right?
Am I right?
Am I s'posed to leave em with nothin to defend themselves with if a bunch of cawpses come for an early Thanksgiving dinner while I'm on watch?
Am I safe?
Am I satisfied?
Am I saying this right: you are a coppiceman?
Am I seeing that?
Am I shot?
Am I sick?
Am I single?
Am I speaking to Mrs. Landon?
Am I still a powerful ape?
Am I still bad?
Am I supposed to believe Bobbi was out there in the woods, excavating away like a madwoman, and she keeled over with a sunstroke while her sometime partner was lying back on the porch drunk as a coot?
Am I supposed to believe that a guy who organized that much work couldn't organize some plane tickets and two dozen hotel rooms?
Am I supposed to believe that's a coincidence?
Am I supposed to believe that's just coincidence?
Am I supposed to believe you couldn't score some bottled gas anytime you wanted it?
Am I supposed to go back there and look at some ninety-eight-cent rubber-joke novelty while these two hicks stand around and laugh their asses off?
Am I supposed to go see him?
Am I supposed to kiss you now?
Am I supposed to tell the police that a ghost showed up in my son's room in the middle of the night and told him you'd die on the Ferris wheel if I didn't come?
Am I supposed to tell them their daddy is in jail?
Am I supposed to think something?
Am I supposed to think that my mind was just ... just making all of that up?
Am I supposed to think you'll let him live if we stand away from you?
Am I supposed to understand that?
Am I sure it was its force?
Am I sure?
Am I surprised?
Am I talking to the Pueblo sheriff's office?
Am I telling this or are you?
Am I telling this right?
Am I that stupid?
Am I the herd now, Wolf?
Am I the one who has to pay?
Am I the only one you ever met?
Am I then to assume membership?
Am I to believe you popped the buttons on my uniform this morning by some kind of mind control?
Am I too heavy?
Am I wrong about that?
Am I wrong about that?
Am I wrong?
Am I wrong?
Am I wrong?
Am I wrong?
Am I wrong?
Am I wrong?
Am I you?
Am I ... am I still human?
Am I ... dead?
Am I ... what does that matter?
Am I?
Am I?
Am I?
Am I?
Am I?
Am I?
Am I?
Am I?
Am I?
Am I?
Am I?
Date Created February 19, 2019
Last Updated July 29, 2019