City filenames starting with c
City Name: Calebopolis
File Name:
Mayors Name: Caleb John Clark
Architect: Caleb John Clark
E-Mail Address:
Overall Score: 29.6 out of 100
Place: 99 out of 117 Cities
Population Traffic Pollution Value Crime Power Water Health Edu Unemp GNP Nat'n
Value 68130 12 14 186 26 44 13 79 117 1 3 4 3 58 928
Score 0 76 87 41 89 44 13 85 64 99 0 0 67 64 50
Place 99 12 8 17 24 36 54 13 12 2 80 29 2 32 65
Date: 4355
Percent of land covered by water: 30
Passengers per day for Subway: 0
Passengers per day for Bus: 1153
Passengers per day for Rail: 307
Cash: $3
Judge Name: Patrick Coston

Description: This is one of the most popular cities ever. It has inspired quite a few Mayors. There are so many cool things about this city, I don't have the space to describe everything here.

Keywords: scenic,unique,green,blue,fullrci,hilly,airport,micro,hydro,wind

City Name: chessvil
File Name:
Mayors Name: Andrew T. Great
Architect: Thomas Overbeck
E-Mail Address:
Overall Score: 33.4 out of 100
Place: 115 out of 117 Cities
Population Traffic Pollution Value Crime Power Water Health Edu Unemp GNP Nat'n
Value 9890 7 17 135 19 86 79 56 83 19 26 60 4 35 -1342
Score 0 86 85 30 92 86 79 60 45 76 0 6 56 38 50
Place 115 7 11 39 18 7 9 34 43 17 77 23 3 45 87
Date: 2006
Percent of land covered by water: 3
Passengers per day for Subway: 0
Passengers per day for Bus: 0
Passengers per day for Rail: 0
Cash: $270363
Judge Name: Patrick Coston and Willy Jin

Description: Thomas describes his own city: City layout is based on a chessboard. Launch is King, Forest is Queen, Plymouth is Bishop, Darco is Knight, Llama Dome is Rook, and either water towers or libraries are pawns. Residential squares alternate with commercial/industrial squares. I imagine playing chess with this would require a lot of bulldozing and a hell of a lot of money...

Keywords: xunique, art, unique, unfinished, symetrical, flat, watertower

City Name: New Chicago
File Name:
Mayors Name: Aaron Cheneworth
Architect: Aaron Cheneworth
Overall Score: 38.1 out of 100
Place: 27 out of 117 Cities
Population Traffic Pollution Value Crime Power Water Health Edu Unemp GNP Nat'n
Value 3186513 14 16 160 8 33 50 88 129 0 3017 5 5 80 43636
Score 13 72 86 35 97 33 50 95 70 100 35 1 44 88 51
Place 27 14 10 24 7 45 28 4 5 1 46 28 4 11 27
Date: unknown 3039
Percent of land covered by water: 15
Passengers per day for Subway: 4108
Passengers per day for Bus: 1570
Passengers per day for Rail: 174
Cash: $12
Judge Name: Bill Cooper

Description: Utopia or Police State? You be the Judge. Chicago3's citizens say they're very happy, giving their Mayor approval ratings of over 80% and throwing him "spontaneous" parades at the drop of a hat. Or chould I say at the drop of a police officers cap. With 75 police stations in town there is little or no crime. The city features many arcologies asymetrically placed about the city and very intriguing use of the river banks and islands. Chicago3 employs a interesting scheme of placing industrial zones exclusively on the outskirts of the city, and employed a large network of subways to transport workers from home to job. It's effective, but it does lead to some traffic problems.

Keywords: metro,fullrci,green,blue,art,darco,farco,larco, parco,road,subway,flat,seaport,micro,fusion,suspension,watertower,treatment

City Name: Chicago
File Name:
Mayors Name: Maxine Maxis
Overall Score: 38.9 out of 100
Place: 29 out of 117 Cities
Population Traffic Pollution Value Crime Power Water Health Edu Unemp GNP Nat'n
Value 2987482 12 23 128 42 35 50 91 133 0 3085 5 6 65 38465
Score 12 76 79 28 82 35 50 98 73 100 35 1 33 71 51
Place 29 12 17 44 35 43 28 2 3 1 39 28 5 26 30
Date: unknown 6269
Percent of land covered by water: 8
Passengers per day for Subway: 1578
Passengers per day for Bus: 1734
Passengers per day for Rail: 0
Cash: $58
Judge Name: Bill Cooper

Description: When you look up the word "Sprawl" in the SC2000 dictionary, you'll find a screenshot of Chicago4. The city is extremely haphazard, with industry sited amidst parks and residences actually contained inside of the city's airport (the "altenate side of the runway parking" box was checked under ordinances). The most interesting aspect of the city is that it started out as a seaport, but the terrain on the far edge of the board was raised to form the edge of an island that runs the length of the city (it looks like Manhattan, if your standing in the Bronx). The port has arcologies on either side that ships would have to pass on their way to dock (the Collossi of Chicago). Oddly, enough, the football team is known as the Seminoles.

Keywords: metro,fullrci,green,darco,farco,larco,parco,flat airport,seaport,airforce,fusion,smallpark,desal,

City Name: 5mil
File Name:
Mayors Name: YoungBoys
Overall Score: 44.6 out of 100
Place: 16 out of 117 Cities
Population Traffic Pollution Value Crime Power Water Health Edu Unemp GNP Nat'n
Value 6899583 17 20 123 24 65 50 85 110 0 3148 5 7 70 1377266
Score 28 66 82 27 90 65 50 91 60 100 36 1 22 77 94
Place 16 16 14 47 22 22 28 7 19 1 32 28 6 21 16
Date: unknown 2907
Percent of land covered by water: 8
Passengers per day for Subway: 30
Passengers per day for Bus: 119
Passengers per day for Rail: 22
Cash: $1200
Judge Name: Bill Cooper

Description: Speaking as a former History major and Scifi lover, I have to like Chickcop city. It has a feel of having had a past (if very little future), and being forced to respond to the exigencies of life in the 30th century, in the messy, organic way that cities really utilize. You want to make up stories to explaing this city: Proud magnificent Chickcop (kinda S&G, hedonistic place, if you go by the signs - do you think they'll really remember Kathy Ireland a thousand years from now?) with a sophisticated mass transit system, high educational standards and a special reservation where only "chicks" are allowed. Then planet wide catastophe looms, (asteroids, technopop??), and the inhabitants are forced to flee. They hurridly contruct over 100 launch arcos, but are unable to keep citizens from outside the city from flooding in, hoping to make their escape. The city is forced to suspend civil liberties and go on a massive building program for police stations (110!) in order to control the burgeoning population, meanwhile neglecting the once huge subway system. get the idea. Well worth looking at, if you don't mind the juvenile signs

Keywords: extreme,metro,fullrci,green,xlarco,subway,flat,xsigns, fusion,raised,suspension,railbridge,watertower,desal,treatment

City Name: Charleston
File Name:
Mayors Name: Maxine Maxis
Overall Score: 35.7 out of 100
Place: 34 out of 117 Cities
Population Traffic Pollution Value Crime Power Water Health Edu Unemp GNP Nat'n
Value 2029742 5 13 154 7 15 63 72 112 1 3098 5 6 89 2337
Score 8 90 88 34 97 15 63 77 61 99 35 1 33 98 50
Place 34 5 7 27 6 59 19 20 17 2 38 28 5 2 53
Date: unknown 4960
Percent of land covered by water: 17
Passengers per day for Subway: 0
Passengers per day for Bus: 5312
Passengers per day for Rail: 0
Cash: $19
Judge Name: Bill Cooper

Description: Charleston is notable for three things: it has a very efficient system of pump stations (well it's the scheme that I generally use), a very popular mayor, and it's based on the Charleston disaster scenario that is disributed with SC2000. The mayor of the city has achived a very high level of citizen satisfaction by encouraging the building of a limited number of arcologies within the city. This has allowed the city to combine a high level of community services with a low tax rate, a sure route to happiness in any jurisdiction.

Keywords: metro,fullrci,green,blue,darco,larco,highway,flat fusion,suspension,xpump,xrating

City Name: Chuckville
File Name:
Mayors Name: Charles Rosenberg
Architect: Charles Rosenberg
Overall Score: 44.7 out of 100
Place: 11 out of 117 Cities
Population Traffic Pollution Value Crime Power Water Health Edu Unemp GNP Nat'n
Value 9152561 3 22 190 22 82 66 79 116 2 3113 5 7 84 24129
Score 38 94 80 42 91 82 66 85 63 98 36 1 22 92 51
Place 11 3 16 15 21 11 16 13 13 3 36 28 6 7 34
Date: unknown 2371
Percent of land covered by water: 8
Passengers per day for Subway: 3643
Passengers per day for Bus: 7810
Passengers per day for Rail: 514
Cash: $2135
Judge Name: Bill Cooper

Description: Chuckville is another ARCO special, with a total population of over 9 million. This overshadows, what is otherwise a very esthetically pleasing, though sparsley populated, park city of about 50,000. The city has a number of very interesting landscaping features, such as the LLamadome perched on top of a pyrimid shaped hill and the statue placed on a small island. In addition, the city features a number of signs with references to musical groups. The other interesting feature of the city is a wildly over developed infrastrucure. The city has an unbelievable number of water system facilities 6 fusion generators and 2 prisions. Just for the heck of it I bulldozed the fusion plants and was able to replace the 6 of them with one fusion and two coal plants (2900 MW vs. 15,000). Overall this is a very attractive city, that looks like it would be a nice place to live. I'd like to see someone build this kind of city without the Arcologies.

Keywords: scenic,unique,extreme,fullrci,green,blue,art,larco, subway,flat,seaport,signs,fusion,smallpark,bigpark,watertower,desal,treatment

City Name: Church City
File Name:
Mayors Name: Adam Burleson
Architect: Adam Burleson
Overall Score: 36.5 out of 100
Place: 55 out of 117 Cities
Population Traffic Pollution Value Crime Power Water Health Edu Unemp GNP Nat'n
Value 533103 13 9 100 57 45 59 73 107 13 3253 4 5 59 5061
Score 2 74 92 22 76 45 59 78 58 84 37 0 44 65 50
Place 55 13 4 65 44 35 22 19 22 14 19 29 4 31 48
Date: unknown 2395
Percent of land covered by water: 18
Passengers per day for Subway: 0
Passengers per day for Bus: 317
Passengers per day for Rail: 235
Cash: $2138
Judge Name: Bill Cooper

Description: If you've sinned and it's been 399 years since your last confession, Church City is the place for you. In the modern day Branson, Missouri of religious faith, every cult, sect, creed, faith, theism and ecclesiasticism has gathered, on the eve of the 5th century of the third millenium, in the religious paradise of Church City. Despite the superfluity of religious atmosphere (some say because of it) the crime rate is a theologicallu inexplicable 59%. In order to cope with the overflow of clerical criminals the city maintains an island prison that currently accomodates 8000 collared crooks. A large Canal runs through the center of the city. There are a number of man-made islands on the outskirts of the city, which host important city insitutions such as schools, prisons, the holy stadia (in a recent burst of anti-clericism, the local soccer team was renamed the Ball-Kickers: of course, they were formerly known as the Cardinals). The Mayors house is also sited on an island, reportedly surrounded by Holy Water.

Keywords: unique,xextreme,green,blue,darco, farco,highway,flat,fusion,marina,watertower,desal, treatment,xchurch

City Name: Ciclone
File Name:
Mayors Name: Daniel Riveong
Architect: Daniel Riveong
Overall Score: 33.2 out of 100
Place: 75 out of 117 Cities
Population Traffic Pollution Value Crime Power Water Health Edu Unemp GNP Nat'n
Value 237211 15 21 104 29 48 31 62 86 15 141 237 6 53 7099
Score 1 70 81 23 88 48 31 67 47 81 2 25 33 58 50
Place 75 15 15 64 27 32 41 29 40 15 69 14 5 36 46
Date: unknown 2092
Percent of land covered by water: 0
Passengers per day for Subway: 220
Passengers per day for Bus: 43
Passengers per day for Rail: 9
Cash: $2131
Judge Name: Bill Cooper

Description: Hmmm...Ciclone is a, not that.... ..uh...interesting...uh.....attempt. It's basically a rectangular city, with a band of residential zoning inside a sandwich of industrial and commercial. Inside of that is a huge empty space, consisting of about 2/3 of the landscape. Perhaps the residents are environmentlists, and are trying to preserve a fascinating prairie dog ecology in the middle of the city? That's my best guess. Unique in the "Maynard G. Krebs" sense of the word.

Keywords: xunique,xextreme,brown,unfinished,symetrical larco,rail,flat,fusion

City Name: Cincinatti
File Name:
Mayors Name: Jason Shankel
Architect: Jason Shankel
Overall Score: 44.9 out of 100
Place: 68 out of 117 Cities
Population Traffic Pollution Value Crime Power Water Health Edu Unemp GNP Nat'n
Value 296377 20 65 338 73 100 46 68 85 5 137 232 5 60 12182
Score 1 60 41 74 69 100 46 73 46 94 2 24 44 66 50
Place 68 19 32 3 48 1 32 24 41 6 70 15 4 30 42
Date: unknown 2102
Percent of land covered by water: 8
Passengers per day for Subway: 323
Passengers per day for Bus: 467
Passengers per day for Rail: 0
Cash: $845
Judge Name: Bill Cooper

Description: It lools like someone got a hold of the funds cheat and went to town. And the town probably was not Cincy. There are some interesting ideas in this city, but it hasn't been finished and the ideas don't fit together. There are some funny index readings (power=100 and value at 338), but they're strictly temporary. My guess is that the city was turned around and then saved very quickly. The city has a curiously New Yorkish flavor to it for being in Ohio. The Giants are playing football, the baseball team is named the Mets, and the city hosts IBM headquarters (previously located in Aramonk, NY).

Keywords: brown,unfinished,farco,larco,flat,seaport,airforce, nuclear,micro,fusion,suspension,watertower,treatment

City Name: City of Aslan
File Name:
Mayors Name: Maxine Maxis
Overall Score: 40.9 out of 100
Place: 13 out of 117 Cities
Population Traffic Pollution Value Crime Power Water Health Edu Unemp GNP Nat'n
Value 9099476 11 26 117 30 38 71 88 129 0 3109 4 5 67 113515
Score 38 78 77 26 87 38 71 95 70 100 36 0 44 74 54
Place 13 11 20 52 28 40 12 4 5 1 37 29 4 24 22
Date: unknown 3339
Percent of land covered by water: 7
Passengers per day for Subway: 1593
Passengers per day for Bus: 1877
Passengers per day for Rail: 1923
Cash: $1
Judge Name: Bill Cooper

Description: Boy, seen one Arco city, you've seen them all. The 9.9 mil popualtion number is a temporary. It's the 9.1 million that's real. The city features a balanced, well developed transport system, and besides the Arco area (one-third of the city), it's very densly zoned. Because roads are minimized, there is not much 3x3 building.

Keywords: metro,fullrci,green,blue,larco,subway,rail,bus flat,airforce,wind,fusion,suspension,watertower

City Name: clean2
File Name:
Mayors Name: James McBryan
Architect: James McBryan
E-Mail Address:
Overall Score: 35.3 out of 100
Place: 61 out of 117 Cities
Population Traffic Pollution Value Crime Power Water Health Edu Unemp GNP Nat'n
Value 429474 10 19 131 2 41 84 77 121 0 3 4 5 73 2079
Score 2 80 83 29 99 41 84 83 66 100 0 0 44 80 50
Place 61 10 13 42 2 38 6 15 10 1 80 29 4 18 55
Date: 4826
Percent of land covered by water: 6
Passengers per day for Subway: 0
Passengers per day for Bus: 4595
Passengers per day for Rail: 0
Cash: $15662751
Judge Name: Patrick Coston and Willy Jin

Description: The entire city is made up of 6x6 tile blocks. Crime is so low because there are tons of Police stations. There is a huge water-pump and water-tower farm along one side of the city. Water-pumps line the opposite side. This city is not short on water that's for sure! Another side is lined with rows of small-parks. James Says: This is the second version of my city. They have given me 23! parades. Pollution is under %20, crime is under %2, traffic is under %15. The people of my city like me %75-%80. This city never has a water shortage or power problems. Clean2 has no cheats on it!!! It took me about a month to build it.

Keywords: flat, watertower, pumps

City Name: Clintopolis
File Name:
Mayors Name: Clint Rowihab
Architect: Clint Rowihab
Overall Score: 37.3 out of 100
Place: 45 out of 117 Cities
Population Traffic Pollution Value Crime Power Water Health Edu Unemp GNP Nat'n
Value 1091455 18 23 188 11 17 52 80 117 1 3300 4 5 80 26067
Score 5 64 79 41 95 17 52 86 64 99 38 0 44 88 51
Place 45 17 17 16 10 58 26 12 12 2 13 29 4 11 32
Date: unknown 2798
Percent of land covered by water: 6
Passengers per day for Subway: 1115
Passengers per day for Bus: 3748
Passengers per day for Rail: 423
Cash: $4
Judge Name: Bill Cooper

Description: We could only wish the other Clinton could run a government so well. This Clint gets high ratings from his Sims despite running a pretty honest taxation policy. He does a really nice job of taking advantage of the topography, to evince a multi-level plateaued look (two-tiered with a little bit of shrubbery). His city fits well into the terrain, and he's created a number of bodies of water surrounded by parks that even look like refreshing Oasis on a monitor.

Keywords: scenic,metro,brown,green,blue,darco,farco,larco,parco, hilly,steps,airforce,wind,fusion,watertower,desal

City Name: Clone69
File Name:
Mayors Name: Daniel Gunnells
Architect: Daniel Gunnells
Overall Score: 35.9 out of 100
Place: 57 out of 117 Cities
Population Traffic Pollution Value Crime Power Water Health Edu Unemp GNP Nat'n
Value 518251 4 41 123 18 83 69 63 94 2 11 18 4 80 -13175
Score 2 92 63 27 92 83 69 68 51 98 0 2 56 88 50
Place 57 4 28 47 17 10 13 28 33 3 79 25 3 11 100
Date: unknown 1955
Percent of land covered by water: 90
Passengers per day for Subway: 71
Passengers per day for Bus: 474
Passengers per day for Rail: 0
Cash: $42
Judge Name: Bill Cooper

Description: There are some interesting things going on in Clone69 (from outer space?). The city is a small island, about 30x50 tiles in size. Our mayor gets a lot done with very little (with a little help from SCURK). The first interesting aspect of the city is that the rectangular island is actually 2 heights above water level. The outside edge of the is a hill side the slopes down to meet the water (beveled, so to speak). Our mayor has then used the water tool to make all of the hillsides around the island into waterfalls. Unless you look closley, you are likely to miss this. Then he's placed a large number of marinas and piers around the city, which because the are built on the waterfall tiles, actually appear to be below the level of the island. the city also features a joint civilian/military airfield, which has a "top secret" installation and a silo. The city also has the ubiquitous prison island, but with a twist. The island has three marinas, no doubt for conjugal visits from the main island. A very different approach. We applaud!

Keywords: scenic,unique,extreme,blue,art,parco,airport,seaport, silo,airforce,wind,fusion,marina,watertower,desal

City Name: Coastal
File Name:
Mayors Name: Robert Schulbaum
Architect: Robert Schulbaum
Overall Score: 36.2 out of 100
Place: 93 out of 117 Cities
Population Traffic Pollution Value Crime Power Water Health Edu Unemp GNP Nat'n
Value 85490 10 15 175 4 60 74 76 11 1 3203 4 6 84 -9275
Score 0 80 86 38 98 60 74 82 6 99 37 0 33 92 50
Place 93 10 9 19 4 25 11 16 51 2 23 29 5 7 97
Date: unknown 2986
Percent of land covered by water: 85
Passengers per day for Subway: 3939
Passengers per day for Bus: 1841
Passengers per day for Rail: 783
Cash: $12
Judge Name: Bill Cooper

Description: Wow! If an auqatic M.C. Escher designed a city, this is what it would look like. Actually the city is not quite as umm...distorted as it first appears. Basically it's a pretty normal hilly/plateau city, with every hillside tile covered with water to make waterfalls. But when you first look at it you think someone has built city on the inside of a Klein Bottle. The city also features several monumental banks of hydroelectirc generators (which generate over 4000 MW), and a number of tunnels, cleverly interspersed among the waterfalls. There is also an extremely efficient pump system (which I might just steal). In addition the city has an extreme seperation of industrial zones from the rest of the city.

Keywords: unique,extreme,fullrci,xblue,art,tunnel,xhilly airforce,hydro,micro,suspension,watertower.xpump,xwaterfall

City Name: Coast Of Rica
File Name:
Mayors Name: Earl Kramer
Architect: Earl Kramer
Overall Score: 33.1 out of 100
Place: 84 out of 117 Cities
Population Traffic Pollution Value Crime Power Water Health Edu Unemp GNP Nat'n
Value 132622 9 12 104 11 63 51 65 89 6 84 143 5 72 -16437
Score 1 82 89 23 95 63 51 70 49 93 1 15 44 79 50
Place 84 9 6 64 10 23 27 26 37 7 74 20 4 19 101
Date: unknown 2078
Percent of land covered by water: 3
Passengers per day for Subway: 73
Passengers per day for Bus: 1806
Passengers per day for Rail: 0
Cash: $2146
Judge Name: Bill Cooper

Description: Coast of Rica is a unique blend of every technique of city building, you've ever been told to avoid, and unsurprisingly, it doesn't work. If your looking for a very challenging city to base a scenario on, this would be an excellent candidate. The city features an extreme segregation of industry from the rest of the city, and lacks the mass transit necessary to move sims from their homes to work. It also utilizes an incredibly ineffcient system of over 800 water pumps to supply the city with water. The city planners built over 5000 tiles of road, in an extremly high density 3x6 pattern, but then frustrated any high density building by placing a water pump on every other street corner. If you want to see some things not to do, vividly illustrated, this is the city for you.

Keywords: unique,metro,fullrci,symetrical,farco,road,flat, signs,wind,micro,xpump

City Name: Cochranville
File Name:
Mayors Name: Tom Cochran
Architect: Tom Cochran
Overall Score: 36.7 out of 100
Place: 24 out of 117 Cities
Population Traffic Pollution Value Crime Power Water Health Edu Unemp GNP Nat'n
Value 3798621 17 19 90 69 47 4 79 116 1 3255 4 8 52 20691
Score 16 66 83 20 71 47 4 85 63 99 37 0 11 57 51
Place 24 16 13 72 47 33 59 13 13 2 18 29 7 37 39
Date: unknown 3705
Percent of land covered by water: 1
Passengers per day for Subway: 858
Passengers per day for Bus: 0
Passengers per day for Rail: 0
Cash: $179328
Judge Name: Bill Cooper

Description: If the U.S. Department of Transportaion ever decides that they need a demonstration Simcity, Cochranville would be a leading candidate. The number of highways in this city actually begins to approach the number in a real American city. And the mass transit (almost none) is about as well developed. Despite (or as some mass-transit advocates would claim. because) of the massive highway building the city is plagued by a serious traffic congestion problem. There is also an interesting building technique employed in the city, although not in a thourough fashion. Several places in the city you will notice very large zones, that exceed 6 in both directions. Logically this means some of the zones are further than 3 tiles away from roads. What the mayor has done is place municipal services (pumps and water treatment plants) on the inside of the large zones, so that, in effect he has avoided building roads to municipal service buildings that don't need them. This would, if used in a consistant manner allow you to build a city with fewer tiles devoted to roads. Of course, in this city with the massive number of tiles to highways, that can hardly have been a consideration.

Keywords: unique,extreme,metro,fullrci,grey,darco,farco,larco, highway,flat,fusion,treatment,zoning

City Name: Operations Code
File Name:
Mayors Name: Chris Florin
Architect: Chris Florin
Overall Score: 41.9 out of 100
Place: 63 out of 117 Cities
Population Traffic Pollution Value Crime Power Water Health Edu Unemp GNP Nat'n
Value 332529 23 15 125 8 53 67 69 98 13 3035 4 5 75 1538568
Score 1 54 86 27 97 53 67 74 54 84 35 0 44 82 99
Place 63 22 9 45 7 30 15 23 29 14 44 29 4 16 6
Date: unknown 2368
Percent of land covered by water: 4
Passengers per day for Subway: 23172
Passengers per day for Bus: 0
Passengers per day for Rail: 0
Cash: $720
Judge Name: Bill Cooper

Description: Operation Code should be renamed "Straphangers Delight". It has a amazingly comprehensive subway system. The city is laid out, almost entirely in a 6x6 grid pattern and below nearly every street is a subway tunnel. Each 6x6 block has two stations. All in all, this system allows the cities subways to attract 23,000 riders a day, quite a feat, considering there are only 106,000 sims (not counting the Arco dwellers, who tend not to ride the tube). Unfortunately the city also proves the wisdom that subways are not a very good method of alleviating traffic congestion, as the cities traffic rating is a relatively high 23. Other interesting features of the city are a large undeveloped vacant lot (nice if you feel like finishing a city), a progressing case of the church virus (nice if your sims aren't observant enough), and a whole bunch of signs (typically reading "POLICE STATION" (I can't see what good these are).

Keywords: extreme,unfinished,darco,farco,larco,parco,xsubway, flat,fusion,treatment,xchurch

City Name: City of Jonathan
File Name:
Mayors Name: Jonathan Garcia
Architect: Jonathan Garcia
Overall Score: 34.8 out of 100
Place: 56 out of 117 Cities
Population Traffic Pollution Value Crime Power Water Health Edu Unemp GNP Nat'n
Value 525872 8 19 114 20 27 23 87 102 0 3496 5 5 81 570127
Score 2 84 83 25 92 27 23 94 56 100 40 1 44 89 68
Place 56 8 13 55 19 50 48 5 26 1 5 28 4 10 18
Date: unknown 2575
Percent of land covered by water: 7
Passengers per day for Subway: 622
Passengers per day for Bus: 5545
Passengers per day for Rail: 351
Cash: $298
Judge Name: Bill Cooper

Description: If your looking for a real growth opportunity, City of Jonathan is right up your alley. It has 56 arcos, at an average occupancy of around 10%. So snap this little city up, and watch your population grow, from .5m to around 3 million, without clicking a mouse. One of the most interesting facets of this city is its use of low density zoning. Our mayor has left lots of room for single family housing, small business and start-up industry. Because of this the citizens of C. of J.. lead very placid, satisfying lives that lead them to leap into spontaneous celebration whenever the name of their mayor is mentioned. The only bad thing abut the city is bad is that it is "the Home of the Cowboys".

Keywords: fullrci,darco,farco,larco,parco,flat,airforce, micro,fusion,desal,treatment,xzoning

City Name: Cole City
File Name:
Mayors Name: Maxine Maxis
Overall Score: 38.3 out of 100
Place: 67 out of 117 Cities
Population Traffic Pollution Value Crime Power Water Health Edu Unemp GNP Nat'n
Value 296491 15 18 123 38 55 48 82 119 2 3261 5 6 64 5843
Score 1 70 84 27 84 55 48 88 65 98 37 1 33 70 50
Place 67 15 12 47 33 28 30 10 11 3 17 28 5 27 47
Date: unknown 2458
Percent of land covered by water: 10
Passengers per day for Subway: 1044
Passengers per day for Bus: 1944
Passengers per day for Rail: 0
Cash: $40
Judge Name: Bill Cooper

Description: There is a lot to like about Cole City. It is an eclectic blend of asymetrical zoning, cleverly used waterscaping, all the bells and whistles as far as city services go, and the city's crowning glory, a 550 ft. high pyramid, topped by an arcology. Cole city has it all. Points of interest: The city is built on an absolutley flat plain, whose monotony is broken by a large number of irregular lakes. Each of the lakes recieves individual zoning attention, that results in a very harmoniuos blending of the city with its aquatic environs. In addition many of the lakes have marina's built on them, to satisfy the inhabitants desires for watersports. The city has a high security prison island, whose only connection with the mainland, is through a special subway, staffed by the Prison Authority itself. The city has a large sports complex which featues 4 different single sport stadiums. And, of course there is the famous pyramid. AT 550 feet, plus the 278 foot Arcology, (recently completed), it towers over its surroundings, and can reportedly be seen by sims as far away as Pioneer. Although the "Cole City Collosus" is viewed with pride by many Simizens, it does have some detractors (who generally refer to it as the "Ziggurat of Zaniness").

Keywords: scenic,unique,metro,blue,art,larco,flat,steps, airforce,hydro,wind,fusion,marina,stadium,watertower,desal,treatment,prison, pyramid

City Name: Columbus
File Name:
Mayors Name: Leo Singleton
Architect: Leo Singleton
E-Mail Address:
Overall Score: 36.4 out of 100
Place: 91 out of 117 Cities
Population Traffic Pollution Value Crime Power Water Health Edu Unemp GNP Nat'n
Value 91040 22 16 139 19 34 31 62 93 3 6879 11 5 70 1126
Score 0 56 86 31 92 34 31 67 51 96 79 1 44 77 50
Place 91 21 10 38 18 44 41 29 34 4 3 27 4 21 62
Date: 1920
Percent of land covered by water: 4
Passengers per day for Subway: 0
Passengers per day for Bus: 134
Passengers per day for Rail: 253
Cash: $34
Judge Name: Bill Cooper

Description: A model of the real-life city Columbus, Georgia, this simcity achieves the kinds of idiosyncrasy that we very rarely see. In particular there are a great many diagonal roads, tracks, and parks that lend the city a great deal of charm (though, it's not apparent why they have them in the real Columbus from looking at the city). The other interesting thing about the city, is that while it doesn't seem like a very good design for a sim city (in particular, there is a lot of distance between the factories and the housing, and little mass transit), Columbus actually performs quite well. It delivers a solid tax abd good Mayoral ratings. I do have one question though: I realize I'm a northener and perhaps perceive the South as being less advanced than it really is: But do they really have a Fusion Reactor in Columbus?

Keywords: scenic,unique,green,road,flat,signs,fusion, stadium,watertower, xrealcity

City Name: Comotion in the Ocean
File Name:
Mayors Name: Andy Sylvia
Architect: Andy Sylvia
Overall Score: 40.3 out of 100
Place: 112 out of 117 Cities
Population Traffic Pollution Value Crime Power Water Health Edu Unemp GNP Nat'n
Value 13420 25 83 195 24 95 40 61 90 4 11 18 5 59 -1864
Score 0 50 25 43 90 95 40 66 49 95 0 2 44 65 50
Place 112 24 33 12 22 3 35 30 36 5 79 25 4 31 89
Date: unknown 1955
Percent of land covered by water: 85
Passengers per day for Subway: 176
Passengers per day for Bus: 0
Passengers per day for Rail: 328
Cash: $17
Judge Name: Bill Cooper

Description: Gee, if the mayor in your town put up 30! statues of himself, what would you think? Can you spell M-E-G-A-L-O-M-A-N-I-A-C? From the Fusion Reactor powering the Island that has nothing but an airport on it, to the 6 city halls, this simcity screams Banana Republic. That's not to say that there aren't some interesting things going on here. I'm sure that you've always been bothered by the necessity of stringing unsightly power lines out to your secluded island mayoral mansion. Well Commotion has that problem licked. Just install your very own hydroelectic dam (And if you want to know why the mayor would build himself a secluded, island mansion, just check out the survival rate for the mayors of Banana Republics). All in all Comotion is a delightful romp, I just want to know who taught BabyDoc Duvalier to use a computer?

Keywords: scenic,unique,extreme,blue,art,airport,seaport, coal,hydro,nuclear,wind,solar,fusion,marina,stadium,xisland

City Name: Computorland
File Name:
Mayors Name: Maxine Maxis
Overall Score: 39.5 out of 100
Place: 64 out of 117 Cities
Population Traffic Pollution Value Crime Power Water Health Edu Unemp GNP Nat'n
Value 332347 9 14 105 0 71 63 80 115 3 21 40 5 84 1525462
Score 1 82 87 23 100 71 63 86 63 96 0 4 44 92 99
Place 64 9 8 63 1 19 19 12 14 4 78 24 4 7 11
Date: unknown 2004
Percent of land covered by water: 0
Passengers per day for Subway: 1942
Passengers per day for Bus: 1966
Passengers per day for Rail: 0
Cash: $155
Judge Name: Bill Cooper

Description: Computorland has a very interesting criminal justice system. It has a zero crime rate, and if you poll one of the police stations you notice an interesting pattern, like crimes reported 0, arrests 14. Why arrests when there are no crimes? Does the Computor know who is about to commit a crime before they do it? And there's no Prison! Issac Azimov would have loved this. The other distinguishing features of the sity are an extremely over- developed school system and a matrix of highways, that mostly seem to get in the way of stuff.

Keywords: metro,fullrci,darco,larco,highway,flat, fusion,watertower,treatment,xpolice,xschools

City Name: Mile High City
File Name:
Mayors Name: ed
Overall Score: 35.4 out of 100
Place: 111 out of 117 Cities
Population Traffic Pollution Value Crime Power Water Health Edu Unemp GNP Nat'n
Value 16250 9 20 135 26 42 28 67 90 4 448 742 5 64 989
Score 0 82 82 30 89 42 28 72 49 95 5 77 44 70 50
Place 111 9 14 39 24 37 44 25 36 5 59 5 4 27 64
Date: unknown 2180
Percent of land covered by water: 5
Passengers per day for Subway: 515
Passengers per day for Bus: 265
Passengers per day for Rail: 0
Cash: $4
Judge Name: Bill Cooper

Description: For some odd reason this city is named Mile High ,though in fact it looks like a classic river delta town. The scape is flat as a board, and covered by forest, except where channels have been cut using the water tool. If your looking for a city to finish off, that has a unique landscape, Mile High City would be a good choice. Just make sure you don't accidently turn on flood, and please consider renaming it.

Keywords: unique,extreme,green,unfinished,flat,nuclear,

City Name: CoolO City
File Name:
Mayors Name: Daniel H. Taupin
Architect: Daniel H. Taupin
Overall Score: 38.0 out of 100
Place: 98 out of 117 Cities
Population Traffic Pollution Value Crime Power Water Health Edu Unemp GNP Nat'n
Value 70740 14 25 157 45 79 48 74 89 2 275 436 3 69 -3807
Score 0 72 77 35 81 79 48 80 49 98 3 45 67 76 50
Place 98 14 19 25 37 13 30 18 37 3 63 9 2 22 90
Date: unknown 2145
Percent of land covered by water: 15
Passengers per day for Subway: 104
Passengers per day for Bus: 399
Passengers per day for Rail: 0
Cash: $2
Judge Name: Bill Cooper

Description: CoolO City appears to be built of the site of a huge volcano or meteor strike. The city has a plateau, about 15 tiles wide that runs the entire edge of the scape, and then has a huge chasm that occupies the center of the city. In the middle of the chasm is a hill, on which rests the "Dannet Rain Forest". The crater lake is dotted with several smaller islands. Certainly one of the more interesting landscaping efforts.

Keywords: xscenic,unique,extreme,fullrci,brown,green,blue,art, hilly,signs,xhydro,fusion,bigpark

City Name: coolton
File Name:
Mayors Name: George Moxley
Architect: George Moxley
Overall Score: 35.2 out of 100
Place: 36 out of 117 Cities
Population Traffic Pollution Value Crime Power Water Health Edu Unemp GNP Nat'n
Value 1952907 19 19 112 26 7 25 80 108 0 3138 5 8 70 22510
Score 8 62 83 25 89 7 25 86 59 100 36 1 11 77 51
Place 36 18 13 57 24 64 46 12 21 1 33 28 7 21 35
Date: unknown 3072
Percent of land covered by water: 5
Passengers per day for Subway: 920
Passengers per day for Bus: 506
Passengers per day for Rail: 0
Cash: $3
Judge Name: Bill Cooper

Description: If you're looking for some gadgets to add to your next city come over to Coolton and take a gander. The city has a huge Hydro-pyramid in the center of the city, a trapped freighter, and an interesting twist on airports. We've got a huge hill raised in the center of the otherwise flat city that has 273 Hydro-electirc generators on it. There is a land locked harbor, that has a freighter roaming around in the middle of it, never able to leave the city limits. The city also has an interesting airport setup. First it has a lot of them. About 1200 tiles are zoned for aiports. But some of the airports are laid out in 2x2 blocks, which largely prevents the builiding of runways. This forces sims to build all of their runways (almost) on two of the airports. All of the animated runway lights blinking together is impressive.

Keywords: unique,metro,darco,farco,larco,parco,highway, flat,xairport,xseaport,airforce,xhydro,desal,treatment,fire,flood, trapped-freighter

City Name: Cool Town
File Name:
Mayors Name: Austin Mark
Architect: Austin Mark
Overall Score: 44.2 out of 100
Place: 17 out of 117 Cities
Population Traffic Pollution Value Crime Power Water Health Edu Unemp GNP Nat'n
Value 6863722 5 16 91 67 97 63 59 84 80 3054 4 5 38 314740
Score 28 90 86 20 72 97 63 63 46 0 35 0 44 42 60
Place 17 5 10 71 46 2 19 32 42 19 42 29 4 44 19
Date: unknown 2922
Percent of land covered by water: 1
Passengers per day for Subway: 830
Passengers per day for Bus: 57
Passengers per day for Rail: 6
Cash: $249
Judge Name: Bill Cooper

Description: Open up Cool Town and the first thing you'll notice is that all the sims have moved out. The second thing you'll see is the extra- ordinary number of military installations. Pull up the budget window and take a look at the tax rate and you see the reason for both. With a whopping 12% levy, the sims are moving out in disgust and the Mayor probably needs all those troops to protect him. And of course, there's the astromical crime rate, which coupled with 80% unemplyment give the Mayor a 37% approval rating. This guy would be envious of Herbert Hoover! Then there's those top secret labratories. What are they for? Maybe the sims didn't leave. Maybe they were used up in evil medical experiments (probably trying to figure out how to get more taxes out of people). Cool Town should probably be renamed, Bug Out City, cuz that's what you would do if you lived there.

Keywords: unique,xextreme,emptyrci,darco,farco,larco,parco, highway,flat,xsilo,xairforce,hydro,gas,nuclear,wind,solar,micro,fusion xtopsecret

City Name: coolville
File Name:
Mayors Name: Kitty Puff Puff
Overall Score: 38.2 out of 100
Place: 96 out of 117 Cities
Population Traffic Pollution Value Crime Power Water Health Edu Unemp GNP Nat'n
Value 74020 25 16 144 28 51 29 73 101 2 959 1 5 75 1543546
Score 0 50 86 32 88 51 29 78 55 98 11 0 44 82 100
Place 96 24 10 33 26 31 43 19 27 3 51 31 4 16 4
Date: unknown 2214
Percent of land covered by water: 8
Passengers per day for Subway: 0
Passengers per day for Bus: 77
Passengers per day for Rail: 0
Cash: $248
Judge Name: Bill Cooper

Description: Although judging by the number of windmill power generators, Coolville is a breezy place, the real reason for the name of the city is the reception given to local industrialists. The Mayor of this city hates factories and it's like pulling teeth to get him to zone any industrial at all. Less than 10% of the total zoned land is industrial (less than 4% of total surface available). Unfortunatley the attempt is a failure. Though the city is barely stable, that's because of a 0% tax rate. Raise taxes to even 5%, and the sims flee to warmer climes. The city also has some interesting tunnels schemes, including a nice tunnel/brige combination on one edge of the city. And if you like to play around with tax rates this is a great laboraory. It's no place to go if you're a start up entrepreneur out for a buck!

Keywords: unique,xextreme,brown,tunnel,hilly,airforce, coal,oil,gas,wind,micro,xzoning

This Web Page was created by Patrick Coston October 5, 1996, Last updated April 4, 2006