SimCity 2000 Books
- SimCity 2000, Power, Politics and Planning, Revised Edition
Authors: Nick Dargahi & Michael Bremer
Published by Prima Publishing, PO Box 1260BK, Rocklin, CA 95677, USA
ISBN: 0-7615-0075-8
To order call: 916-632-4400
ClubOpolis Comment: The best of the Bunch! Make sure you get the Revised Edition.
David Chess reviews
- The Official SimCity 2000 Planning Commission Handbook
Authors: Peter Spear and Johnny L. Wilson
Published by Osborne McGraw-Hill, 2600 Tenth Street, Berkely, CA
ISBN: 0-07-881950-4
ClubOpolis Comment:
Humous and full of cool background info about Maxis and the people who work there.
It often gets side-tracked for example while discussing the Llama Dome it goes into a whole discussion
about Llamas.
- SimCity 2000, Strategies and Secrets
Authors: Daniel A. Tauber & Brenda Kienan
Published by Sybex Inc., 2021 Challenger Drive, Alameda, CA 94501
ISBN: 0-7821-1518-7
Call 510-523-8233 or 800-227-2346 Telex: 336311
ClubOpolis Comment:
This book must have been written for the near-sighted because the print is really BIG!
Probably to compensate for the lack of content. After reading PPP and PCH (above), this book didn't
have a whole lot to offer, but hard-core Simmer's should pick it up for the little new info it does have.
Each book has info the others lack.
For example, The Official SimCity 2000 Planning Commission Handbook has two whole pages on
Reticulating Splines.
This Web Page was created by
Patrick Coston September 24, 1996,
Last updated April 4, 2006