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Bank of America | Home | Personal

Life's better when we're connected. See what that means. In our own words. Watch the video
eBanking or MyAccess? Save by choosing the checking features that serve you best. Get Started
Online Bill Pay. The fast convenient way to pay your bills. Get started
Fruitful thinking. Making office snacking healthy in San Francisco. See how


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New Checking Clarity Statement�

At Bank of America, we�re committed to providing the information you need to help you manage your accounts. Our new Checking Clarity Statement clearly explains the most common fees and policies in a simple easy-to-read format.

Need help with your home loan payments?

If you're a homeowner struggling with your loan payments, you may want to learn about our home loan assistance programs. Bank of America is committed to helping homeowners and is a participant in the national mortgage settlement agreement.


Did Hurricane Sandy damage your home?Find out how to submit a property claim �

Need help managing your credit card or unsecured personal loan debt?Learn about ways we can help you manage credit card or unsecured personal loan debt

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