What is SCURK?
What is it? The SCURK manual says it best:
The SimCity 2000 Urban Renewal Kit -- a.k.a. SCURK -- is the ultimate utility for the
ultimate city simulator. Building and editing cities and terrain for your Sims was only
the beginning. Now you can:
Build a SimCity 2000 city from scratch, or modify any pre-built city your way,
without any money, population, time or developmental constraints.
Put buildings, roads, subways...you name it...anywhere, any time, for any reason.
Enhance, modify, and otherwise embellish the original SimCity 2000 artwork,
even design your own.
Mix and match the original SimCity 2000 buildings with your own art to create
custom object sets that you can load into SimCity 2000.
Print out your city in any of three sizes, above or below ground,
and showing (or not) any layers you choose.
Still not enough for you? Well then, as an added bonus, the talented folks in the
art department have created an entirely new, futuristic set of graphics for your enjoyment
and editing pleasure.
SCURK and SimCity 2000
SCURK is an add-on to SimCity 2000. It won't install or work if you don't have SimCity 2000.
You'll have a lot more fun with SCURK if you are already familiar with SimCity 2000, so if you
haven't played SimCity 2000, set this manual down and go play. Once you have a feel for the
game, you'll have a better feel for designing buildings and cities in SCURK.
SCURK and Future Maxis Computer Games
Not only will SCURK help you get more out of SimCity 2000...it'll help you get more out
of a number of other yet-to-be-released games as well. SCURK will work with and enhance a number
of future Maxis games. You'll be able to use SCURK to create city raceways for driving
simulations, targets and obstacle courses for flying simulations, and the playfields for games
that...well, you'll just have to wait and see.
The following info is not from the SCURK manual. It's a mini-SCURK FAQ
(Frequently Asked Questions):
Question: Is SCURK available for DOS, Mac, Windows 3.1 and Windows 95?
Yes, except for Windows 95 (as of September 1995)
Question:Can I change anything I want using SCURK?
Almost. You can change stuff like super-sim, the freighter ship, bulldozer,
explosion graphics, fire, rioters, tornado, trees, radioactive tiles, rubble, abandon buildings,
construction sites, power plants, Arcos
You can also change all buildings like the apartments, homes, condos, mini-mall, parking garage,
drive-in theatre, Corporate Headquarters, Thingamajig, Hospitals, Police, Schools, Statue,
Stadium, Marina, water pump/tower/desal-plant, military base tiles, airport tiles
(except runways), seaport tiles (except piers), and more!
Here is the stuff you can't change: Nessie, Piers, Airport runways, Roads, OnRamps,
Rails, Trains, Power-Lines, Bridges, Water-Tiles, Hillside Tiles, The Alien (Disaster Monster),
Small Marina boats, Zone indicator colors, Highways, Tunnels, Subways, Sub-to-Rail Connectors,
Water pipes, Wire-Crossings, Ground-Tiles, Signs, Small Parks, Helicopters,
Police, Fire and Military Dispatch Icons.
The list of things you can't change may seem big, but actually it's not.
I didn't list everything you can
change, I only listed a small sample
just to give you an idea.
Question: What are the differences in the tile-set files?
DOS tile-sets have a .TIL extention. Windows tile-sets have a .MIF extention.
I don't know about Macs (sorry).
Question: Are the various tile-sets interchangeable?
yes and no. You can interchange Win and Mac tile-sets.
You can import DOS tile-sets into Win and Mac but not vice-versa.
Question: Why?
I suspect it's because the Win and Mac tile-sets are a super-set of the
DOS tile-sets. The Win and Mac version of SCURK came out after the DOS version and
Maxis decided to add more functionality. Atleast it's backwards compatible!
Question: If I've installed the future-tile set that comes with SCURK, then e-mail
someone my city, will they get to see the cool buildings?
No. In SimCity 2000, the graphics are not stored in the city file.
They are stored in an external data file. That is why when you change the Braun Llama Dome
to the Sydney Opera House, it changes in all of your cities. When someone gets your city,
they will see that Braun Llama Dome, or whatever they have installed as their tile-set.
DOS stores the graphics in the SC2000.DAT file. Windows stores the graphics in the
SC2000W.WAD file. I don't know where the Mac stores them.
Question: Is there any way to import tile-sets made on Win or Mac into DOS?
Yes. You can do it one building at a time. All versions of SCURK can export
the buildings to an image file. DOS to PCX, Win to BMP, Mac to PICT. DOS can also import
PCX. The way you import graphics for Win and Mac is using cut-and-paste. This allows you
to paste any graphic you can cut (or copy) from any graphic application.
Export the buildings you want to import from Win or Mac.
Convert them to PCX files and import them.
It's can be tedious if you have a lot of cities, but for now, it's the only way.
Question: I want my friend to see the cool buildings I've made but he doesn't have SCURK.
Is there any way?
Answer: yes. It may or may not work.
If you both have DOS, e-mail him your SC2000.DAT file.
If you both have Windows, e-mail him your SC2000W.WAD file.
I don't know what file you'd e-mail if you both had a Mac (sorry).
If you use pkzip
to compress them, the SC2000.DAT file will compress to about 1 megabyte
while the SC2000W.WAD file will compress to about 300,000 bytes.
Question: Why is the SC2000.DAT file so much larger than the SC2000W.WAD file?
Answer: Because the SC2000.DAT file not only contains graphics, it also
contains music, sound, and other info. The music and sound are not part of the SC2000W.WAD
file. The music and sound were placed in seperate files for the windows version.
This Web Page was created by
Patrick Coston July 22, 1995,
Last updated April 4, 2006