Results of the ClubOpolis First Annual Llama Awards
You can download all of the cities in one shot (1 MB) or select
specific cities to download:
- CLIFCITY by Jimmy Wan
Best Overall Design
Most Original, Creative, Inventive, Imaginative City
Most Mountainous City
Your Favorite City
- MOUNTFUJ by Jimmy Wan
Best High Class Area (3-way tie with FARADO and WILLIAMS)
- FARADO by Jason Overland
Best High Class Area (3-way tie with MOUNTFUJ and WILLIAMS)
Most Creative way to power a City
- WILLIAMS by SkyJimy
Best High Class Area (3-way tie with MOUNTFUJ and FARADO)
- LONGBEAC by SkyJimy
Most Livable City
Most Realistic, Lifelike City
- EXPRESSO by Jason Overland
Most Creative use of Arcos
Most Creative use of signs
- BLM by Jason Overland
- MOLEVILL by Jerry Moore
Best Zoning Design
Best Use of transportation
- SYMETRIC by Kurt Carol
Most Symmetrical, Balanced, Perfect City
- ARCORAIL by Patrick Coston
Most Creative water supply
- XTREME by Patrick Coston
Most Weirdest, Freakish, Bizzarest City
- MILLERSS by Bev Donaldson
Best Looking City, fun to look at, not boring or dull, coolest overall
- BAD by Jesse Ralston
Most Chaotic, Insane, Crazy City
These cities get honorable mention.
They didn't win any of the categories, but they often came in second.
Check out the complete results to this contest or
the rules and results of all of the ClubOpolis contests.
You will need a zip program to decompress these zip files.
This Web Page was created by
Patrick Coston November 3, 1995,
Last updated April 4, 2006