SimCity 2000 Advice: Providing Water
Question: Donna Suarez
What is the most efficient way of providing water to the
Sims? How many Water Towers do they need and what is the
best combination of water towers and water pumps?
Strategic Advice: Jerry Moore
The sims really like to consume a lot of water and the
average pump only produces around 15,000 gallons/month which
is only enough to support around 17 tiles. The water towers
can only store a maximum of 40,000 gallons and each of these
take up 4 tiles. They are good for getting the SimCitizens
through the dry spells when the pump output is low, but I
don't think they're very efficient since you could replace
these 4 tiles with 4 water pumps and have a constant output
of 60,000 gallons/month versus storing 40,000 gallons. One
way to increase the output of each pump is to place it next
to a source of fresh water. This can be right next to a
river or lake or you can use the tree/water icon to place
water at 1,2,3 or 4 tiles surrounding the pump. Use the
query tool often to measure the water output and to be sure
that you are not pumping salt water. Desalinization plants
have an output of 105,000 gallons/month and operate most
efficiently if placed on an island.
If you really don't want to be bothered with the sims
constantly complaining about water shortages, there is a way
to fool the simulation into thinking it always has a water
surplus. Just pick any 3x3 section of your map, de-zone the
tiles so pipes won't develop and place a single water pump
in the center tile. Now connect this pump to power but DO
NOT CONNECT ANY PIPES. The pump will start generating water,
and having no connecting pipes to consume this water, the
simulation will think you have a surplus. Pretty soon the
water shortage messages will go away and if you open the
graph tool and look at water, you will see that the graph
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This Web Page was created by
Patrick Coston July 23, 1995,
Last updated April 4, 2006