SimCity 2000 Advice: When to build
Question: Bruce Rothstein
I've had sc2000 for a while now but I'm just now for the
first time trying to build a really big city. I've got 1.8
million sims, plenty of open space and good eqs and life
expectancies. My question is do the people in arcos need
schools, libraries, museums and hospitals.I've kept building
them but the number of students in each schoold keeps
decreasing. Also, does it do any good to have more than
one stadium or zoo?
Strategic Advice: Jerry Moore
I think the best rule of thumb for a large and thriving city
is to not add more services until the SimCitizens ask for
them. For things like schools, colleges, libraries, etc.,
just use the query tool frequently to see how you're doing.
When schools reach maximum capacity and the grade starts to
drop below A, add more. The same approach works well for
hospitals. As for stadiums, marinas, large parks, etc., just
wait until the sims ask for more. All of the arcos are
supposed to be self contained and not require additional
services. However, they do seem to generate a lot of crime.
This Web Page was created by
Patrick Coston July 23, 1995,
Last updated April 4, 2006