SimCity 2000 Cheats for the Macintosh
Easter Egg: A Pre-programmed, hidden and undocumented feature
inserted by the programmer for their own enjoyment.
- joke
- see for yourself
- cass
- gives $$$ in $250 increments.
Insites a firestorm is used too many times each month.
- porntipsguzzardo - gives $500K and all rewards become available.
Note: This is unavailable in version 1.1.
For 1.1 Easter Egg with same result, see topsguzzardo
- ardo - Once you've typed porntipsguzzardo or
topsguzzardo, you can type ardo
and continue to get $500k each time.
- fund
- gives $10K bond at 25% interest. see below for double
fund trick used with this Easter Egg!
- vers
- gives version number of Sim City 2000
topsguzzardo is just like porntipsguzzardo.
It's a code that gives you $500K and all the rewards.
But porntipsguzzardo is for MAC 1.0 and topsguzzardo
is for MAC 1.1.
To have access to topsguzzardo, open the Map window
(the one that shows Police Power, Density, Crime, etc.),
click inside it, type pirn, click inside the Status window
(the one that shows weather, item/cost, city message (i.e. Hurricane Warning)),
and type topsguzzardo
Very Important Note: Both porntipsguzzardo and topsguzzardo stop the
military from requesting land for a base (Navy, Army, Missle Silo).
Other cool stuff:
More Cheats!
Contributors: Mark Poblete
This Web Page was created by
Patrick Coston July 17 1995,
Last updated April 4, 2006