NOTE: The following rules are for a contest of the past. E-Mail ClubOpolis for information about future contests. *** Rules to the Fourth SimCity 2000 ClubOpolis Contest *** CONTEST NAME: 'Crowded but Pretty' GOAL: HIGH Population and VERY Scenic RULES: 1. Must use terrain supplied by ClubOpolis. Description: * year 2050 * starting cash $522,145,312 2. No Cheating allowed * no cheat codes * no hex editing * no using terrain editor * no simbank utilities 3. The following IS allowed * Magic Eraser * Phantom Water pump 4. City cannot age beyond Dec 4000 5. Enter as many times as you like TO ENTER just E-Mail ClubOpolis at either E-mail address: * RMNC12A Prodigy * Internet If you are reading this on-line, just reply. You will receive the starting terrain. Please specify whether you want the compressed copy or not. If you don't have PKUNZIP, ask for the un-compressed starting terrain. If you don't have an account on Prodigy, AOL or CompuServe then I will have to E-Mail it via the internet. Internet'ers will need UUDECODE to decode the text city file back to a binary file. SCORE: score = (city size) * (scenic score) Score will be calculated by multiplying your city-size (found in the graph-window or the neighbor-window) to your scenic score. Your scenic score will be the average score you get from the judges and be anywhere from 1 (lowest) to 100 (highest). There will be three or more judges. SCHEDULE: * contest starts Wed Dec 21, 1994 * contest ends Tue Jan 31, 1995 * You can enter contest up to Mon Jan 30, 1995 HOW TO SEND ENTRYS: * Prodigy members will need either Mail Manager or E-Mail Connection. ClubOpolis will send you a copy of either one. Just ask. Your other option is ZAXIT. ZAXIT is a program I wrote which allows you send non-text files through the standard on-line Prodigy E-mail. * AOL members can e-mail their entrys to my AOL id "KidCali2" * CompuServe members can send entrys my CompuServe id "74677,3201" * Internet members should send entrys to "" use UUENCODE to hex code your city files. * REGARDLESS of which on-line service you use, you may want to use PKZIP to compress your files before sending. Compressing files saves you time and money during upload.