Bill Cooper's: Hard Data on Water
I've been working on this a little off and on for a while and
some recent queries on the subject got me motivated enough to finish.
I have a Chia city (a city constructed entirely on pause, with no
sim activity allowed) with the water pump area separated from the rest
of the city. There is only one pipe leading from the pumps to the
city so it is an easy thing to turn the entire water supply on and
off, while leaving the rest of the city entirely the same (in every
respect: when the water to the city is turned of the pumps are still
running and drawing power, etc.).
What I did then was to set up 4 trials, consisting of two periods
of ten years each. I ran each trial 5 times to get a fair average.
Trial 1 |
Total Pop |
Res Pop |
Ind Pop |
Com Pop |
Res Zone |
Ind Zone |
Com Zone |
1st 10 years Watered |
204,994 |
84k |
48k |
71k |
3489 |
1250 |
2716 |
2nd 10 years Watered |
214,722 |
86k |
48k |
79k |
3526 |
1257 |
2873 |
Trial 2 |
Total Pop |
Res Pop |
Ind Pop |
Com Pop |
Res Zone |
Ind Zone |
Com Zone |
1st 10 years Dry |
185,954 |
74k |
47k |
64k |
3525 |
1203 |
2878 |
2nd 10 years Dry |
183,518 |
74k |
43k |
65k |
3523 |
1183 |
2885 |
Trial 3 |
Total Pop |
Res Pop |
Ind Pop |
Com Pop |
Res Zone |
Ind Zone |
Com Zone |
1st 10 years Dry |
184,766 |
74k |
47k |
63k |
3513 |
2858 |
1216 |
2nd 10 years Watered |
210,834 |
86k |
47k |
76k |
3519 |
1240 |
2814 |
Trial 4 |
Total Pop |
Res Pop |
Ind Pop |
Com Pop |
Res Zone |
Ind Zone |
Com Zone |
1st 10 years Watered |
202,026 |
83k |
47k |
70k |
3451 |
1225 |
2715 |
2nd 10 years Dry |
214,578 |
86k |
48k |
79k |
3529 |
1262 |
2962 |
It looks pretty clear to me that water has no effect at all on
industry. While there is a downturn in industry in the second period
of the 2nd trial (dry-dry) I think it was the result of continued poor
Residential and Commerce figures (lack of customers?).
Water has a strong impact on Residential density. You'll notice
that the figures for the number of residential zones is very
consistent, but without water the density goes from 24.39 (Trial 1)
down to 21 (Trial 2) sims per tile. It also seems to return to the
higher level if the water is turned on (see Trial 3).
Commerce is effected also. Density decreases from 27.5 to 22.5.
I'm not sure if this is a result of the lack of water or a secondary
effect of the residential population decrease. I think I would have
to design a new city to test this.
This is the oddest thing I see. In Trial 4, when the water was
turned off it didn't seem to have any effect at all. The results from
Trials 1 and 4 are nearly identical. This would seem to indicate that
it only matters that the tile received water at some point. Or
possibly that the effect of being denied water takes a long time to
The pump area in my city is 128x3 (484) tiles. Obviously there
is no way that simply replacing these tiles with zoning would make up
for the population loss.
I used a res=6, com=3, ind=2 tax structure (I didn't
differentiate between industries). This produces (when the city is
full grown) enough revenue to cover city services and replacement of
the power sources (2 fusion generators =2x$40,000/50 (years)
=$1600/annum)) plus a small surplus. Since the entire point of a chia
city is to be able to let it grow without any action on the part of
the Mayor (after it starts) you have to use a cheat to get enough
money to pay for services until the city grows to it's max size ( as
well as funds to build the city, of course).
This is just a start on figuring out what water does. Any other
opinions will be welcomed.
Bill Cooper
This Web Page was created by
Patrick Coston April 20, 1996,
Last updated April 4, 2006