Christian Jennings SimStuffers Strategy Collection
Q: How big should I build my RCI blocks?
A: I prefer to make them 6 by 6 so this way they have two chances to build
to their extreme.
Q: What should I put if my traffic is heavy?
A: I suggest using the SimBus System. The sims only ride the subway for one
stop. And I don't see that many sims walking.
Q: How and where and should I put down my libraries and schools?
A: I have found that sim kids attend school more when it located next to
residential and a police station nearby. You can put the schools anywhere
next to residential. I have also found that libraries supply more books when
they are located next to a school.
Q: How big should I make my first/any airport?
A: Making airports should depend on how you want the planes to land. It has
to have enough room to build a runway and a control tower. Personaly, I like
it best when my planes take off over water.
Q: Should I give the military permission to build in my city? I mean, does
it make a difference?
A: I always give them the land, it's really up to you. It says that it could
raise new problems. I have never had a problem with the military, and again
it's completely up to you.
Q: I was wondering, woild anything happen if I didn't put down any of my
awards? And where should I put my awards?
A: I would refer to the above question, it's a matter of what you want, and
where you want it. I ussually try to put my mayors house in the middle of
the city, and my statue on a mountain in the middle of my river with
waterfalls on the side.
Q: What should I do in reference to those nim-wit airplane pilots?
A: Just don't build any tall buildings around the airports, and avoid alot
of roads surrounding the airport. it confuses the pilotes and helicopter
Q: I just wanted to know what sims like best such as flat land or mountains
on the terrain.
A: All sims have their own personality, I think that most sims prefer some
mountains and some flatland so that the climate isn't too cold or hot. I
have also found that if you name a city Sunnyville or Sunopolis etc. that is
causes your city to be sunny just about year round.
Q: Should I put a lot of parks in my city?
A: No, if you put a bunch of parks that raises the land value therfore
making it too expensive for lower and some middle class sims to live there.
This means that your population won't get very big 'cause you are only
attracting the rich sims, unless that is what you want.
Q: How can I get my population to grow rapidly?
A: Use a hex-editor to give you 200 billion dollars then put the tax rate
down to zero. Or you could always put dense everything and give them
anything they want when they ask for it.
Q: What is the best way to put out a small fire? A big one?
A: To put out a small and big fire pause the game, then possition your fire
department emergencie thingies where the fire is and unpause it. If you do
not have enough fire departments, pause the game put down some more fire
Content provided by Christian Jennings, Ex-President of the late SimStuffers Club
This Web Page was created by
Patrick Coston September 12, 1995,
Last updated April 4, 2006