Names of Everything
Names of every neighbors
- Ocean
- Oak Creek
- Denmont
- Fort Verdegris
- Schwinton
- Mill Valley
- Petaluma
- PortVille
- Ashland
- Eubanks
- Aurac
- Tent Pegs
- Cherryton
- Blake
- Pioneers
- Fortune
- Phippsville
- Jeromi
- Harpersville
- Washers Grove
- Stars County
- Villa
- Serviland
- Newton
- Avon
- Dexter
- Sinistrel
- Jenna
- Yestonia
- New Boots
- Hoek Creek
- Stimpleton
- Little Rouge
- Krighton
- Cats Corner
- Rimmer
- Lister
Names of Industries:
- Howard Industries
- Genenco
- Boxacon
- Texxon
- Roxie Enterprises
- Cypress Industrial
- Slash & Bournes
- Max Products
- Wonderco
- Katzenjammers
Names of objects:
- Rubble
- Radioactive
- waste
- Park
- Railway
- Tunnel entrance
- Suspension bridge
- Bridge
- Highway entrance
- Highway bridge
- Subway to Rail
- Lower-class homes
- Middle-class homes
- Luxury homes
- Gas station
- Bed & Breakfast
- Inn
- Convenience store
- Small office building
- Office building
- Warehouse
- Cassidy's Toy Store
- Chemical storage
- Industrial substation
- Construction
- Abandoned building
- Cheap apartments
- Apartments
- Nice apartments
- Condominium
- Shopping center
- Grocery store
- Resort hotel
- Office / Retail
- Chemical processing Factory
- Large apartment building
- Office park
- Office tower
- Mini-mall
- Theatre Square
- Drive-in
- theater
- Parking lot
- Historic office building
- Corporate headquarters
- Large factory
- Industrial thingamajig
- Large warehouse
- Hydroelectric power
- Wind power
- Natural gas
- power plant
- Oil power plant
- Nuclear power plant
- Solar power plant
- Microwave power receiver
- Fusion power plant
- Coal power plant
- Police station
- Fire station
- Water pump
- Runway
- Pier
- Crane
- Control tower
- BuildingTarmac
- F-15b
- Hanger
- Subway station
- Radar
- Water tower
- Bus station
- Rail station
- Loading bay
- Top secret
- Cargo yard
- man
- Water treatment plant
- Hangar
- Church
- Missle silo
- Desalinization plant
- Plymouth Arcology
- Forest Arcology
- Darco Arcology
- Launch Arcology
- Braun Llama-dome
- Subway entrance
- Clear terrain
- Fresh water
- Salt water
- First Light (Capt. J. Scirica)
- Residential
- Commercial
- Industrial
- Military
Strings from table inside SimCity.exe:
- Do You Want To Save Your City:
- Rotate Counter-Clockwise
- Rotate Clockwise
- This is a Simcity 1.0 file\r\nDo you want it converted
- Failed Decompression in GameRead
- Failed Decompression in CompGameRead
- This is not an IFF File
- This is not a SimCity 2000 File
- Unable To Load. Old File Version = \r\n
- Could not change directory to the SCENARIO directory
- Error opening directory for reading
- Could not change directory back to original directory
- You must select a scenario first
- Error allocating memory
- Unexpected Chunk Header
- Error Writing File
- Closing the edit window will terminate SimCity2000\r\nDo you want to exit the game?
- No scenario files were found
- Files not found, please try again or re-install SimCity 2000.
- Please shutdown SimCity 2000 before exiting Windows
- You have exceeded the maximum length for a city name.\nPlease enter a shorter name.
- Too Many Items in 'MiscRead'
- Sorry, you may not\r\nplace this item on\r\nthe edge of the map.
- Your citizens urge you to\r\n reconsider the placement\r\nof this facility
- Marinas must be placed\r\nacross shorelines\n
- HydroElectric Dams can only\r\nbe placed on Waterfall Tiles.
- Do you want to build a connection\r\nto your neighbor for $1000?\n
- Do you want to build a connection\r\nto your neighbor for $1500?\n
- We Cannot Cross Tunnels
- Tunnel Exceeds City Limits
- Tunnel is too Deep to Build
- Unstable Terrain at Exit Point
- Tunnel must start on hillside
- Subway or Sewer Block Construction
- You have 50 signs in your city\r\nThis is the upper limit
- You can't place a label\r\nhere at this time\n
- Because you have no police or firefighters, the National Guard has been deployed to your city
- Too Many Items in 'MiscWrite'
- Could not get current working directory
- Invalid command line option
- Citizens are protesting your\r\ndestruction of the forest.\n
- Your Windows is currently configured for a display of less than 256 colors. You will need a display driver that supports 256 colors or more to run SimCity 2000®; see the README file for information about such a driver.
- SimCity 2000 is unable to run with Windows versions previous to 4.0. You will need to upgrade your Windows to at least Version 4.0.
- Could not extract resource from Scenario file
- Your Nation's Military is Interested in Building a Base on Your City's Soil. This Could Mean Extra Revenues. It Could Also Raise New Problems. Do You Grant Land to the Military?
- The Army has built a base in your city.
- An Air Force base has been placed here.
- A Naval base is built on your coastline.
- Six missile sites have been placed in your city.
- There isn't much to burn here.
- The people of your city love you so dearly that they\r\nhave thrown a spontaneous parade in your honor.\n
- JOY! RAPTURE! DIVINITY! You have completed all necessary\r\nobjectives for this scenario. You are awarded the key to\r\nthe city and are asked to continue in your role as\r\ncommunity leader.\n
- You have failed to complete scenario objectives\r\nwithin the alloted span of time. It is with regret\r\nthat your citizens vote you out of office in favor\r\nof fresh management.\n
- Due to your bungling management, your city has\r\ndropped into irretrievable debt. A delegation\r\nof citizens gently escort you from your office\n
- The City Council believes that 50 outstanding bonds are enough.\n
- Current Rates are %d%%\r\nDo You Want to Issue the Bond?
- You Need $10,000 Cash\r\nto Repay an Outstanding Bond.\n
- Oldest Bond Rate is %d%%\r\nDo You Want to Repay the Bond?
- Due to the current fiscal crisis, the city council urges you to cut back drastically on city expenditures.\n
- Sorry, your city may not issue more bonds\r\nuntil your credit rating improves.\n
- I have no advice at this time.
- We should float a bond to pay for city expansion.
- Rates are good right now. Float a bond to take advantage.
- These outstanding bonds are killing us. Raise taxes to pay them off.
- Cut back on City Services to cover the budget deficit.
- I'm proud to report that crime is at an all time low.
- Our crime rate is comparable to the national average.
- Crime is out of control. We need more police stations.
- Our fire coverage is excellent.
- Our fire response is adequate.
- This city needs more firemen.
- You should lower taxes to encourage growth.
- Let's raise taxes to increase total funds.
- Cut back on services until our funds increase.
- The people are asking for a pollution ordinance.
- The power plants are overworked. Let's push energy conservation.
- A neighborhood watch program would take a bite out of crime.
- We need an Anti-Drug campaign to help our kids.
- Legalized Gambling has attracted an upleasant element.
- You should drop the 1% income tax to give Residents a break.
- You should drop the 1% sales tax to give Commerce a break.
- Hospital services are trim, efficient and responsive.
- We could use more hospitals.
- A public smoking ban would benefit everyone.
- General CPR training will assuredly save lives.
- While expensive, Free Clinics will make you popular.
- Current health care is adequate to our needs.
- Educational services are adequate to our city's need.
- We need more adequately funded grade schools.
- We need more adequately funded colleges.
- The transit lanes are inadequate. Float a bond and build more.
- We have too many roads. Remove some to save on maintenance.
- Engineer's Report:\r\nConstruction Costs Will Be %s\r\nShould We Build the Tunnel?\n
- The newspaper is on strike.
- The military is unable to find a suitable\nlocation for a base near your city. You\nhave the thanks of the nation for your\npatriotic acquiesence. SALUTE!!
- Sunday
- The
- One Cent
- Five Cents
- Twenty-Five Cents
- One Dollar
- Five Dollars
- A Single Penny
- Only A Nickel
- Still A Quarter
- Just A Dollar
- Merely Five Bucks
- Price 1¢
- Price 5¢
- Price 25¢
- Price $1
- Price $5
- Cannot Load 'TEXT',1000\nOr Cannot allocate GroupID\n_initPaperDialog_ -> _LoadTokens_\n
- Too Many Tokens Found in\n_LoadTokens_\n
- Unable to Find Token: '%s' in _LoadTokens_ \n
- Unable to Allocate 'TokenData'
- pop - 55,000
- pop - 30,000
- pop - 45,000
- pop - 65,000
- You must select a valid sport from the list,\neven if you don't select a team name
- SimCity 2000 could not locate the %s files in the directory specified in your SC2K4WIN.INI file. Please specify the correct location for these files.
- There are insufficient Window resources available for SimCity 2000 to continue\rPlease free up more resources and try again.
- SimCity 2000 for Windows didn't have enough memory to open this window. Please close up some other windows and try again.\n
- Sim City 2000 has not been properly registered with the system. Please re-install the game.
- The exodus has begun.\n
- Your launch arcos have\r\ndeparted into space to\r\nfound new worlds. You \r\nhave been compensated\r\nfor their construction.\n
- No error occurred
- An unspecified error occurred
- The permitted number of open files was exceeded
- There was an attempt to use an invalid file handle
- The current working directory cannot be removed
- There are no more directory entries
- There was an error trying to set the file pointer
- There was a hardware error
- SHARE.EXE was not loaded, or a shared region was locked
- There was an attempt to lock a region that was already locked
- The disk is full
- The end of file was reached
- This copy of SimCity2000® is unregistered\r\nPlease re-install
- Creating Hills
- Carving Water
- Smoothing
- More Smoothing
- Yet More Smoothing
- Reticulating Splines
- Adding Forest
- Smoothing Coast
- Tracing Streams
- Analyze
- Ruminate
- Video Warning
- You're not running in 256 colors. Some animations in SimCity 2000® won't display correctly.\nSee the SimCity 2000® ReadMe file for more information on changing your display drivers.\n\nThis message will not appear again.
- Your video driver doesn't support palettes. Some animations in SimCity 2000 for Windows won't display correctly. See the SimCity 2000 ReadMe file for more information on changing your display drivers.
- pMilTower
- CivPark
- MilPark
- MilWare
- MilSilo
- GoTo
- New City
- Alpacas : #3
- Andean LLamas : #2
- Bungee Jumps : #0
- Llama Sightings : #2
- Material : Bronze
- Other Dromedaries : #0
- Peruvian LLamas : #1
- Pigeons perched : #2
- salt/tons removed : #1
- Treated filth : #2,000 cubic feet
- Untreated filth : #1,000 cubic feet
- SimCity 2000 doesn't have enough memory to display your city. Please close another application to free up more memory.
- Not enough memory
- Warning! SimCity 2000 ran out of memory while importing %s! Not all tiles were imported. Try closing other applications and re-loading %s.
- Causes a fire to break out
- Causes a wave of water
- Causes an airplane to crash
- Causes a tornado to happen
- Sets the earth to quakin'
- Releases the terror of the year 2000
- Prevents disasters
- Arrange windows so that they overlap
- Saves City Every 5 Years
- Quit SimCity 2000
- The file is too large to open.
- Could not start print job.
- Failed to launch help.
- Internal application error.
- Command failed.
- Insufficient memory to perform operation.
- VBX control called a VB 2.0 API\nUnpredictable actions may occur.
- Insufficient memory to perform operation.
- Please enter an integer.
- Please enter a number.
- Please enter an integer between %1 and %2.
- Please enter a number between %1 and %2.
- Please enter no more than %1 characters.
- %1\nCannot find this file.\nPlease verify that the correct path and file name are given.
- Destination disk drive is full.
- Unable to read from %1, it is opened by someone else.
- Invalid filename.
- Unable to read write-only property.
- Unable to write read-only property.
- Unable to write read-only property.
- Unable to read write-only property.
Easter Egg! Found inside SimCity.exe inside Version info in the Comment field
- He tried to kill me with a forklift!
This Web Page was created by
Patrick Coston Sep 19, 1995,
Last updated Mar 25, 2015