Meaning of keywords
For the most part, it's pretty obvious what the keywords means.
It basically tells you what is special about that city.
For example, if a city had the keyword blue, that would tell you that that city was mostly water.
Any keyword can be made Extreme by placing an X in front of it.
For example, if a city had a huge airport or lot of airports, it would get the keyword xairpot
Some of the less obvious keywords are defined below.
art - City resemble a piece of art
blue - City is mostly blue (water)
brown - City is mostly brown (dirt)
cheated - It is obvious the Mayor used cheats to make the city
chia - City is void of sims. Grow when you take it off pause
darco - Dark Arcology
desal - Desalination Plants
emptyrci - RCI (Residential, Commerce, Industrial) indicators are neither positive or negative
extreme - Very extreme in some way
farco - Forest Arco
flat - The terrain is very flat
floating - The city appears to be floating
fullrci - RCI (Residential, Commerce, Industrial) indicators are maxed out
green - The city is mostly green (trees)
grey - The city is mostly grey
hilly - The city is very hilly
larco - Launch Arco
metro - The city is a big Metropolis like New York city
micro - Microwave powered
parco - Plymoth Arco
pump - Water Pumps
pyramid - Terrain is build like a pyramid
raised - Raised Tiles used
solar - Solar Powered
steps - Terrain looks like steps
supersim - Super Sim is in the city
symetrical - City is symetrical
trapped - One or more airplanes are trapped in between Arcos
unfinished - The city is not finished
wind - Wind Powered
yellow - The city appears to be mostly yellow
zoning - The zoning is special
This Web Page was created by
Patrick Coston April 14, 1996,
Last updated April 4, 2006