Converting PC scenarios to Mac cities
by Nathan Kugland
First of all, as far as I know there is not and will never be a direct way
to convert PC scenarios to Mac scenarios. There are signifigant challenges
imposed by Maxis's decision to use resources for storing the scenario
information (ie how many people must move in, how much money must be left
over after bonds, any disasters which occur, etc.) on the Mac. If a Mac
opens a scenario created by a PC, an error message will appear along with a
totally blank landform due to the fact PCs do not support resources.
I have
found how to convert scenarios to plain cities, though. To
accomplish this, you will need a hex editor, such as HexEdit or Norton Disk
editor. Before proceeding, make a backup copy of your scenario to be
Open your duplicate PC scenario file (let's call it SAMPLE.SCN) by dropping
onto HexEdit. Notice a window opens containing the contents of SAMPLE.SCN.
The column on the left lists "offsets" (addresses for the data in the
file), the column in the center contains data in hexadecimal (hex) format
and the column on the right contains SAMPLE.SCN's data in ASCII (text)
format. We will be working with the text part for this hack.
Next, at the top of your scenario file to be converted, delete everything
between the text "SCDH" and "MISC" (no quotes) so the text information at
the top reads something like "FORM.....SCDHMISC" instead of
"FORM......SCDHblahblahblahMISC". Now close and save your converted PC
Using a file utility, you must now set the file type and creator codes so
Sim City 2000 for Macintosh knows your PC file is something it can open. My
favorite way to do this is with File Buddy. Just drop SAMPLE.SCN onto File
Buddy. Now set the "type" to CITY and the "creator" to SCDH (see File
Buddy's documentation for help on this). Now click the Save button and
that's it!
If you don't have Hex Edit or File Buddy, you can download them from the
HyperArchive. Just type in the name of the program you wish to download
and click search.
This Web Page was created by
Patrick Coston October 2, 1995,
Last updated April 4, 2006