How to capture SimCity 2000 screens on the Macintosh
by Merle F. McClelland
The following tells you how to capture SimCity 2000 screens as image files
on the Mac under System 7.X:
The Mac uses Command-Shift-3 as the screen capture key combination. Each
time these three keys are pressed simultaneously, a new PICT file is
created in the top folder of your boot disk, named "Picture1", "Picture2",
etc. PICT files can be opened by most Mac applications (paint, draw, word
processing, even TeachText/SimpleText). You'll hear a camera shutter sound
as the snapshot is made.
The snapshot captures everything on the screen, so if your SimCity window
occupies the entire viewing area of your monitor, I recommend dragging the
top of the tool palette and the status window onto the bottom scrollbar to
reveal the portions of the view window that they cover. You can use a paint
program to remove the menu bar, window title bars, scrollbars, and other
undesired portions of the final image.
Double click on the PICT file and TeachText or SimpleText will open it for
quick viewing.
That's it!
Merle F. McClelland
This Web Page was created by
Patrick Coston August 2, 1995,
Last updated April 4, 2006