Examples of Military Bases

Army bases prefer slightly hilly terrain but will be built on flat terrain too.
Sometimes bases will build right on the edge so they overlap to the other side.
Above we see an Army base sandwiched between Launch Arcos. Army Bases are 8x8
tiles. Part of this base wraps to the other side.

Navy Bases prefer a nice curvey coast with lots of exposure to the water.
The Navy base above chose a peninsula to build on for maximum exposure to the water.

Air Force bases prefer flat terrain. They will never be built on hilly terrain.
The Air Force base above had some of it's un-used military zones
de-zoned and re-used
for other things like water, small-parks and a subway station.
Sometimes a base is built on the edge and wraps to the other side.

Missle Silos prefer slightly hilly terrain but will be built on flat terrain too.
You get six Missle silos, each 3x3 tiles in size.
Above you can see one of the six missle-silos which are sprinkled randomly around your city.
Some may even be placed on the edge and wrap to the other side.
This Web Page was created by
Patrick Coston September 22, 1995,
Last updated April 4, 2006